part 10 Never Comes Back

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Soda and I walked into the house. As we opened the door I could smell the sweet smell of chocolate cake.

Soda walked to the coach and sat picking up a book. I ran upstairs to my room. It was already 12 at night but I wasn't too tired. I sat in my bed looking at all my nice dresses, debating if I would go out with Dally to a bar. Deciding no, I reached out to my dresser and picked up my sketch book.
I have always loved drawing. It's kind of like how people read or watch movies to get something in their mind. I turned on the radio and listened to Elvis play. Heartbreak hotel. One of my favorite songs.
I sat with my sketch book and drew flowers with a stack of cards on the right side. I know a weird combination to draw. I just let my mind draw what ever.
Soon I realized that I was next drawing Soda. I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed. Shoving my sketch book under the mattress, I went down the stairs to see Darry and Soda in the living room.

"Where's Pony?" I ask

" No where to be seen, again, like always!" Darry yelled.

Sometimes I understand Darry and other times I don't. Pony is now 15, Darry needs to recognize that Pony is going to be hanging out with friends more. But I also understand his frustration. He doesn't want Pony to get hurt or in trouble with a girl. I go and sit next to Soda swinging my legs over his lap. He had his head rested back on the couch trying to focus on the book. He then picks his head up and looks at the door.

The door opens.

" Where the hell have you been!?" Darry yells at Pony.

"Hey Pony," Soda and I both say as he walks in. Though Soda said it like he was exhausted and about to fall asleep. While I said it excitedly.

" I fell asleep at the lot," Pony says.

"You what!?" Darry says very angerly.

"I was talking to Johnny and fell asleep at the lot! I didn't mean to."

" Yeah? I can't even call the cops. They will put you in a boys home so fast it'll make your heads spin!"

"Darry calm down you scaring him!" I yell. Grabbing his shoulders and whipping him around to face me.

"Shut up! I am in charge here not you. Pony needs to learn a lesson! " He pushed me into the wall and out of the way.

" Look I said I didn't mean too!" Yelled Pony helping me if the wall.

" I didn't mean to, I forgot that is all I ever hear from you!

"Come on Darry calm down alr--"! Soda couldn't finsh.

" Shut up, I'm sick and tired if you always sticking up for him!

Pony screamed Darry," Don't you yell at him!"

Darry tackled Pony down to the ground. I pushed Darry and ran around to Pony and the floor trying to help him up. He pushed my arm out of the way and scrambled for the door.

I was about to run out the door after him but Soda grabbed my waist and said," he'll come back." I knew he wouldn't he never comes back.

I walked over to my shoes and grabbed my coat. Passing Darry I shoved my shoulder into his before I walked out and slammed the door.

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