part 14" I need help!"

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After we saw Dally and Johnny we checked out and went home. Let me just say Dallas wasn't too happy. Poor Johnny looked awful. He was knocked out cold and burnt everywhere. When I saw him I almost burst out crying. He was always there for me. All the time. He was like my little brother. I sat on the bed next to him and held his hand. He still wasn't awake. The doctors said he would be in a coma for at least a few weeks.

When we got home I took the longest shower ever. When I got out I wrapped a towel around my body and ran across the hall into my room changed and went to bed not even eating dinner.

A few days later

" Oh a Soda what are you doing in here," I said said confused and awkward. I saw Soda sitting on my bed looking at picture frames of me and my parents. I just got out of the shower so I had my hair up and wet and a towel around me.

" Oh hi, um I wanted to talk to you," he said.
" Yeah sure, just can you leave for a minute? I kinda need to change." I said.
" Oh yeah sorry," he said walking out. I changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt with a crew neck over it.

" You can come in now," I said opening the door.
" I was umm. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tonight?" He asked fast.
" Sure i'd love to, Soda," I said smiling at him." When do you want to go."
" How about at 7," he said walking out. Great that gives me an hour and a half.

Soda's pov.

" Darry, help me out! She said yes!" I said to him.

" Let's go kid brother," he said pushing me up the stairs and into Darry's room.
He handed me different clothes to look at and try on but none of them seemed to look right.
" Oh she'll like this one," he said handing me.
" Oh no way, absolutely not!" I said. He handed me a jet black suit that had a deep v neck. " If I were to wear this might as well not wear anything!" I yell and Darry's laughing. 
" He handed me a nice black collard shirt and nice pants. " Yeah these are nice," I said going to change. I didn't change my hair because she already likes it the way it is. I think I was ready, so I went to the place we were going to have our date to set up.

Valerie's pov

Jeez I am so nervous but excited, I-I don't know what to do!

So I walk over to Pony's room and see he is reading.

"Hey Ponyyy," carrying out the y. I said it in a tone he knew I wanted something.
"What do you want now," he said laughing not taking his eyes off his book.
" I have a date," I said
"Really! Who?" He said finally looking up at me.
I blushed and looked down. " Soda," I said quietly.
" Really? That's like amazing but also weird." He said tilting his head.
" Oh stop it." I said, " I need help picking out a dress.

We walked into my room and he went into my closet.
" ummm, how about this?" He showed a blue dress with dots all over.
" No,"
" This one?"
"Soda will really like this one!"
" Definitely no way Pony put that away! You're too young to see that one"!
" I'm sure it will look great"
" Your just being weird now"
" How about this?" He pulled out a skin tight short red dress with a thick black stripe along the sides.
" Um yeah I'll try it on."
I went to the bathroom and tried it on. Let me just say I felt like a princess. It was gorgeous. 
" How is it Pony?" I said walking back into the room. I tugged on the dress in different places to see how it looked in my standing mirror.
" Val, I think you could wear a sweatshirt and Soda will think it's beautiful," he said, " I'll let you finish getting ready." He walked out.
I did my makeup and curled my hair in a messy way, but it still looked nice. I picked out a pair of shoes that looked nice but were casual.

I walked down the stairs and the gang all started to whistle and yell. I started laughing at their reaction to me being dressed up like this.
" Who's the lucky guy?" Two asked me. 
" Aww cant believe you dressed like this for me, " Dally said grabbing my hand and putting his other hand on my waist.
" Stop it Dal," I said laughing and blushing, pushing his hand away.
" I'm going with Soda" I said blushing.
" Ha I KNEW IT! YOU BETTER PAY UP!" Steve yelled while pointing at Dally. Dally pulled out money and smacked 40 bucks into Steve's hand while rolling his eyes.
" Really you guys made a bet on me?!" I said laughing in disbelief and shaking my head.
Darry tapped my shoulder. " I think your man is here" I looked out the window on the door and saw him walking towards the house.
" Bye guys," I said smiling and walking out.

" Hey Soda," I said. I walked down the steps clutching my small black and gold wallet.
" Hey," he said fast. I could tell he was nervous. He could probably tell I was too.
He opened his truck door and helped me in. He ran around the car to his side and hoped in and started driving.
" Sooo where are you taking me?" I asked breaking the silence in the car as he drove on  the empty roads .
"You'll see" he said looking at me , " you'll see."

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