The Stranger Guy

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My friend and I were 15 at the time when we were both drugged and taken various places within the state for 3 days.

During this time we were constantly separated, reunited, drugged, emotionally/physically abused, and honestly feared that we would end up being murdered.

for 3 days we were constantly on the move. We never visited any homes. They made us sleep in wooded areas with thin blankets, separated from each other. This was during winter although there was no snow yet.

The man (sounds strange calling him a man) that I was will was nicer than the other. He seemed to be the follower. He never did anything as cruel as the other did, but to this day I can't stand certain names, accents, clothing, looks in general. When I say he was nicer it's because he was rather gentle instead of forceful.

on the third day they took us to a town about 40 miles south of our home in the middle of frankly no where. It's a town with one gas station, and few homes. They left us on the mountainside, told us the common " if you call the police blah blah we'll kill you, blah blah" We were there for a while before another car came around (hunting is rather popular around those parts)

The guys who found us thought we had been stabbed or shot. Looking back I was a f**king chaotic mess as they tried to approach us. I became very defensive as my friend was still mostly lethargic and I didn't believe that they were there to help us.

Another half hour maybe passed and police finally showed up. I hadn't felt so happy to see officers before in my entire life because I had been one of those "f**k the police" stupid girls back then. I remember falling and just crying. I remember grabbing my friend and telling her it was going to be okay.

about a week later they found the guys. they arrested them, and they went to prison for some time. They both plead guilty for reduced sentences.

The drugs they gave us make a lot of the details sketchy, so I can't really remember to much. I have scars still, I have trust issues. My friend on the other hand turned to drugs quickly after and we've lost touch with one another.

How did they take you, how did it begin? We met them at the local mall, after about an hour or so they offered us dinner from a local truck shop just out of our town. (they had cheap food, and pretty dang good food at that). After dinner we drove around for a bit believing that they were going to be taking us home as we were pretty close to home. From there the start of the situation began.

What drugs did they give you? Over the course of 3 days we were given different drugs, and i'm not sure about how many my friend was given or what kind but I know I was given among other things: Pain killers, adderoll, ecstasy, ambien, and a form of a date rape drug.

How old were they? One had just turned 18, and the other was 19.

What type of abuse happened. I still don't really like to talk about and i'll just paste what i've already written to someone else: To this day i'm not 100% sure what happened to my friend, but just some of the things that happened to me was being, slapped, kicked, hair-grabbed, forced to perform sexual acts, and some other things.

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