Lockup at Jail

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When I was about 25, I got a letter in the mail to report to jail to serve 10 days for not paying a fine. At the time I was dealing with heavy depression and drank quite a lot, so I said: F**k it, if you want me to go to jail, come get me!

Well, one sunday morning, they actually came. The cops rang the doorbell like maniacs, while I was still asleep from a stupor the previous night, trying to get me to open the door. I finally woke up, when one of the cops was trying to break into my appartement through the back door.

The cops told me they'd bring me to jail and asked me if they wanted me to notify someone, in my still drunken haze, I told them no and that I'd call someone myself from jail.

Turns out in my country you don't get one phone call when arriving in jail. In fact, it takes 7 days to be properly processed and during that time, no phone calls are allowed. I thought I'd be getting my phonecall on the 7th day, but instead they transfered me to another jail on my 5th day and at that place they told me the same thing: Processing takes 7 days and you're not allowed to call anybody!

In the meantime, my friends & family were going nuts. A friend of mine who had a spare key to my appartement even went looking to check if I was hanging from the ceiling. They all had called the cops repeatedly, who didn't tell them that I was in jail, because of some privacy issues/reasons, which I don't really understand to this day. When my mom called the cops again, crying, on the 8th day, one officer finally cracked and told them that I was in jail.

When I was released from jail and went by a friend's place on my way back home, he was very happy to see me, but he also yelled at me a lot and made me call my parents immediately.

Called my parents... lots of crying, lots of yelling, but all in all very happy that I was still alive.

TL;DR: Was in jail for 10 days, was not allowed to call anybody, family thought I was hanging from the ceiling of my appartement

DIARY: Tantrums of Childhood Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora