Beautiful Is the Word Of The Day

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School went horribly for Kit and Ezra and the rest of the "weird" kids.
They were being taunted by everyone wherever they went.
Wherever they went they were being harassed, being called slurs and deragotory terms, being shoved onto walls and floors.
But they eventually found a safe space, The Library. No one was hardly ever there and the scarcity of people there created more space for them, all 10 of them including Kit and Ezra.

It was finally afterschool and they were relieved to be leaving this hell hole. Walking outside of the school building...
As soon as they were out of the school people's eyes were on them, Ezra's gaze was laced to the ground and looking at his shoes. They reached the drop off zone and Ezra looked up at Kit and gave him a subtle smile.
"well I guess you have to go home now, huh, it was nice meeting you, hope to see you tomorrow, bye" he said and returned his gaze to his shoes but looked up when he heard Kit's laughter and he gave Kit a confused look, "why are you laughing?" Ezra asked and the other kids laughed too, he looked at all of them and wondered with furrowed brows and an awkward smile.
"Ezra, Kit's with us-" one of the kids said and Ezra's brows rose and his lips forming into an 0 in realisation.
" Oh my, I didn't see you on our bus today" Ezra said
"Well how could you have you never look up" said one of the other kids and flustered Ezra in embarrassment.
It was true Ezra hardly looked up, whether he was walking or not his social anxiety was prevalent.
"Yeah sorry about that Kit"
"No need to apologize Ezra I completely understand" he said, Ezra realising that Kit also had social anxiety.

Ezra was tired of standing so be sat down on a nearby bench and Kit and one other kid joined him while the others sat on the ground or stood.

A bundle of scrunched up papers came flying their way from behind and people who threw them ran off.
The scrunched up papers landed on the ground beneath their feet.
They each picked up a page, as they opened them up Kit sighed knowing what was on them.

On the pages were slurs and deragotory terms: "F*GS" "FAIRY" "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!". "GO BACK TO WER YOU CAME FROM" "LEAVE!"
"CHOOSE JESUS", and in one of them was a golden crucifix (do they just carry these things around with them at all times?) Ezra thought to himself.
"You're going to be getting a whole lot of these and more, but don't worry you'll get used to it" Kit said with a  chuckle.

The other kids were upset whilst others were not and some their smiles vanished, now they were all sitting there with sad faces but Kit had his usual smile on as he was busy on his phone, "Why are you so happy?" asked one of the others seeing Kit smiling.
"He's probably talking his boyfriend Jack" said one
"Shut Up, Bill" Kit said with a blush on his face


Whom I assumed to be Bill laughed, he had orange like hair, similar to the leaves of fall, he wore round framed glasses placed on his button nose and the braces on his teeth showing as he laughed.

After minutes of waiting Mr Clifford (Our Guardian) finally showed up with his black bus with the Pink Floyd logo on the side of it. We all stood up and headed for the doors when Mr Clifford got out of the bus wearing his usual dress shirt and pants and adidas shoes. He looked exhausted, I could tell from the bags under his eyes.
"Come on, get in ,are you all here?"
He asked directing at all of us, and the younger once said "yes" in unison, whilst us teens mumbled a response.
Once we were all on the bus Mr Clifford got on the road to our "home".
Kit had offered for me to sit with him and I agreed. We spoke here and there but we were both obviously tired and we eventually dozed off with the sound of Pink Floyd playing in the background and the others muffled voices.


We were woken up by Mr Clifford shaking us awake telling us we've arrived. Kit got up and led the way, even though I'd already been here I could use someone to walk with.
The sight of the abandoned place made me feel better somehow.

The house was a double storey, it was pretty big. The house had a castle like exterior. In the middle of the forest made it feel magical. The grass and trees were not the healthiest or the held that much beauty, but who's to say they weren't beautiful. The brown door spotting golden decors and the two benches and a swing bed settled on the porch. The stairs looked old taking away from the beauty of the house, but still beautiful. The leaves on the ground surrounding the big house adding an orange time to it, showing that it was fall

I noticed there was already someone waiting at the entrance, he had matte black hair, fair dark skin and he was pretty tall, taller than Kit, he had on a big red dress shirt and black oversized jeans, and converse for shoes.
His face lit up at the sight of us or more so at the sight of Kit as he walked up towards him and hugged him, they were both pretty tall and they made me feel short at my 5'8 height.

They chatted away and my eyes just wandered around as we waited for Mr Clifford outside the house.
"Oh before I forget, Jack, this here is Ezra" Kit said gesturing to me
Jack just stared at me with slightly squinted eyes and chewing bubblegum, he intimidated me.
But his lips twitched up into a smile, and stretched his hand out for a handshake and I shook his hand, his hands were not the softest but not the harshest, he had on a bundle of golden and silver rings scattered on his long fingers.
"Jack Manson" he said with a smile, the perfect smile
"Ezra, Ezra Wilson" I said with a nervous smile and broke the handshake.

Mr Clifford was standing in front of the double storey house's door unlocking it.

we all got in and although I've already been in here it still looked better everytime. The interior felt royal, the drawers and doors with golden knobs and handles, the beautiful red carpet on the wooden floor, the beautiful chandelier hanging from the high ceiling,just beautiful. No one would ever think that kids like us lived in a house like this, it was royal we were not.

I went up to my room upstairs, yes, I had my own room, just like Ezra Nd Jack but not everyone else.(Beautiful) I thought to myself as I opened the door to my room and looked at it, the well sized bed, the wardrobe, the bathroom ,the mirror set.  They were all beautiful.

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