6 at 9:30

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We had just finished getting ready for bed and Mr Clifford had went into every checking if everyone was asleep. As soon as I heard the door to his room I got out of bed still in my pyjamas, I put on a jersey and sneakers. Getting out of my room making no sound and tiptoed downstairs, when I got downstairs I got out of the window as Mr Clifford had locked the door.
Kit had gave me permission to use his bike and so I took the bike that had been laying outside next to the treehouse. I used Google Maps for directions to the school.

It took me 30 minutes to get to the school and I propped the bicycle in the front of the school entrance. I walked up to the door to get in but it was locked. "Craig? Craig?!" I called out expecting him to pop out of nowhere.
When I turned around I was met with 6 guys one of them being Craig. They were all in the football team of the school.
From the looks on their faces I knew that this wasn't what I thought it would be. Craig and all the others were looking at me with looks of disgust and anger.
"Is this the f**got, you were talking about?" Asked one of them
"Yeah, it's him" said Craig with an evil smirk
I was wondering were had the Craig that I had been with earlier in the day gone, could this be the real Craig.

"Well, well You want our boy Craig here so bad, why don't you come and get him" said a really tall ginger head, but what were they talking about?, Craig is the one that "wants" me, he's the one that led me on, yes the one that called me out here tonight.

"I don't know what you are talking ab-" I was cut off by one of them punching me in the face.
"Sh*t" said the one who punched me as he held the hand he punched me with
"What did I do?" I asked as I had stumbled backwards
"What did you do?! You're a f**king f**got" said a shorter muscular one as he walked up to me and punched me again and again in the abdomen. I pushed him back, then they all  came running to his rescue as they started beating me up. They were putting in their all as they kicked and punched every bit of me. I covered my face from getting any injuries as I thought about what Mr Clifford would say if he saw my face bruised.
After a few long minutes of getting assaulted, they stopped except for the tall ginger, he kept going at it and even tried to get at my face but I didn't let him.
Then he stepped back, "Craig, why don't you finish him up?" Said the ginger, Craig walked up towards me and I couldn't believe Craig, (I should've listened to Kit) I thought to myself, I barely knew this guy and I had put my trust in him.
He kicked me in the abdomen multiple times and finished off by spitting on me.
They all laughed like maniacs as Craig spit on me again.
They walked away laughing and rejoicing as if they had been victorious.

Standing up, I could feel my body ache in places it'd never ached before, pulling my shirt up I looked at the bruises that were already forming on my ribs and belly. My hips were red and really painful. Looking ahead I noticed the bench I had sat on on the end of the first day of school and I walked towards it taking a seat.

I sat there and felt defeated and worthless. Bringing my knees up to my chest and burying my face inbetween them, I cried.
I cried into my knees and I couldn't help the images that came to mind as I cried. Images of my father, he was the only person I really ever loved.

The sound of crunching stopped my crying, then the sound came again.
I looked up far ahead into the dark street, my vision was blurry from the tears, blinking the tears away I could now see, Craig.

He stepped forward into the illuminated area on the road and I felt disgust and hatred fill me from the sight of him.
He had his head hung low and his hands in his jeans' pockets, he looked up at me and said "I'm sorry" loud enough for me to hear
I didn't respond
"I'm sor-"
"You're sorry?!, You're fricking sorry" I shouted at him and I could see tears forming in his eyes.
"Look what you've done to me," I said standing up and flinching in the process. Pulling up my shirt and jersey and showing him the bruises on my ribs and hips and my knees where probably bleeding from underneath my pants. He couldn't even bring himself to look at me.

"I'm sorry Ezra,but please let me explain, i-i" he said
"The stage is f*cking yours Craig" I said with sass
"Look I never meant for any of this to happen, i had been out with my friends and waiting for the time to meet you to roll around. Somehow the topic of you and your friends came up and I told them about how we were paired up in Chemistry and how interesting I thought you were,"
I was flustered that he thought I was interesting, but that doesn't help

"And they took it out of context, they somehow came up with the theory that you were hitting on me and that you were turning me gay, and im not blaming them here, I'm taking full responsibility for what I did, and I know that I could've said no, but I didn't want to commit social suicide and I know that was selfish of me but in my situation I had to. There is no way to justify my actions and I'm really sorry Ezra please, please forgive me" he said as he inched closer to me, his face was now wet with tears and his eyes were red with salty tears

"Ezra I know that we haven't known each other that long but I think you're an amazing person and I'd hate to have to never be able to speak to you ever again, I , you don't even have to forgive me, but atleast accept the apolog-" his hands were now in mine and I didn't let got, I couldn't stand seeing him like this

"I accept your apology Craig, and I forgive you" I said as I looked at him in the eyes. His eyes widened and he engulfed me in a warm big hug, wrapping his athletic muscular arms around my waist and I wrapped mine round his waist. We eventually pulled away.
Then Craig licked his lips and that caught my attention, I wanted to kiss him, I noticed he was also looking at my lips, (does he want to kiss me too?) I thought to myself.
His face inched closer and closer to mine and so did mine to his, then

We kissed.his chapped lips kissed mine and I could taste alcohol from his mouth and we detached our lips and hugged as the scene faded out.

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