Is This Chemistry

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I was currently in Chemistry class which was taught by Mr Breach, the 5'5 ginger man with spectacles always spotted on his nose bridge, no facial hair and always formally dressed.

Mr Breach had demonstrated an experiment and were put in pairs to try and do it too. I was paired up with a jock by the name of  Craig, he didn't look like a Craig, he looked more like an Eric, with a dirty blonde buzz cut and his tall height, his muscular physique covered by the school's football jersey.
He looked like a stereotypical highschool teen drama show bully. (Was I to be proven right or wrong?) I thought to myself as I saw him coming to my table.
He propped the a chair next to me and as he sat next to me, I was immediately intimidated by his tall and muscular figure. He smelt of  grass and a mixture of colognes.
"So what are we doing?" He asked snapping me out of thought, "oh we're just, we just do exactly as Mr Breach demonstrated" I told him as I looked up at him and his blue eyes were looking at me intently and I couldn't help but try to examine his face, tracing from his thick eye brows to his eyes, then nose, his long strong looking nose, he didn't have the perfect skin but who did? We're human beings. Then I eyes his lips, his crucket pink lips which turned into a smirk and I looked away in embarrassment. He chuckled.

As I explained the experiment to him as the period went on, he leaned in closer and closer by the minute and I was quite awkward, but I like it in a way. I continued explaining everything, then I felt his breath on my ear as he whispered "what's your name?", seriously, he didn't know many name even after Mr Breach literally told him to come to me, Ezra, but it doesn't matter as he seems to care.
"umm, Ezra." I told him, and his hot breath tickled my ear again as he spoke, "that's a weird name, but in a good way", I smiled "Meet me here at 9:30 pm tonight, would you?" He said.
I was really confused, wasn't this a conservative school with with conservative learners and teachers who follow conservative beliefs?, So why was Craig even showing interest? In me, this was the last thing I had expected from anyone in this school but that doesn't mean I didn't want it.
"Sure" I said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
He moved back into his sat and we got back to doing our work.
I couldn't wait.


It was finally afterschool and I was walking out of the school with Kit, we still got dirty looks from people but not like yesterday. I had told Kit everything and at first he was shocked that  Craig, a jock could be gay or more so into me.. "you know I'm still not sure you should come here tonight" Kit admitted ,I was sceptical too but he seems genuine.
"Don't worry Kit, everything will be fine, and if things go wrong I'll call you" I said.
"Okay" Kit said.

Today Mr Clifford had arrived earlier than yesterday, and we all got on and headed to the house, Jack was on the bus today but he was sleeping so we couldn't ask him about what happened between him and Steve.


We finally reached home and I was eager to go and meet Craig. We all had gotten ready for bed, it was currently 8:45, and Mr Clifford had went into everyone's room to check if they were asleep except for Jack of course as he had to do his work.
As soon as I heard the door to Mr Clifford's room close I got up and put on my sneakers and grabbed a jersey without changing out of my pyjamas.
I walked out my room and closed the door carefully without making any sound and tiptoed down the stairs. I got out through a window as Mr Clifford locked the door.

Kit had given me permission to use his bike to get to school. I used Google Maps to find the way to the school, it took me 35 minutes to reach the school.
Propping the bike infront of the school, i walked up to the front door to get in but it was locked.
"Craig., Craig?" I called out but there was no response. I mentally face palmed as I should have asked him for his numbers.
As I turned around I was met with a group of 6 guys, one of them being Craig and from the smirks on their faces I knew I shouldn't have come here.

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