Chapter Fifteen

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It wasn't long before each of us where highly drunk - except for Caitlin. She was a responsible adult and opted for water rather than vodka leaving her to care for everyone else. Charles girlfriend Macey had passed out about an hour or two ago and now lay in one of Mick's many guest rooms.

Maya had abandoned me to go make out with an unfamiliar boy, around our age, who I assumed was a friend of one of the other drivers. Caitlin left to talk with Lando outside by the pool. 

I was left to myself, my thoughts and a bottle of beer on the sofa.

Mick had payed a couple of local strippers to make an appearance for the unaccompanied men - Max being one of them. Each girl was slightly tanned with long black or dark hair, perfect curvy bodies and little to no clothes on. Some of the men embraced it - laughed along and spoke in a drunken language no one could understand. I watched as most of the girls would grind against the men, moaning down there ears whispering sweet nothings. 

It was painful to watch, but I was too drunk to say anything or move. Instead I just continued drinking away and allowing for my world to become hazier and hazier.

 Some of the men took the strippers away to spare bedrooms or more private locations whereas others got it over and done with.


I noticed that the girl on Max was getting more touchy than others, trying to push his hand up her thongs and unzip his jeans. He was drunk himself, gazing out at nothing and not even paying the slightest attention to the girl no matter how hard she tried.  She tried putting her hand down his pants but he just pulled her hand away. Eventually she gave up and slapped him on the face - to which he shoved her off. She looked embarrassed and simply walked away to seduce another man. 

Max looked over at me and realised I had been watching him, his lips formed a smile. I absent-mindedly got up and walked over towards the bar to get myself yet another beer. I pulled one out of the carrier and felt two hands on my hips. 

"Jealous?" A familiar Dutch accent whispered down my ear.

"No" I told him as I removed the cap off the bottle. His hands were warm.

"Mm sure" was I jealous? I can't have been. I hate the guy. He took the beer out of my hands and took one large gulp before handing it back to me. "Thank you"

"Hey!" I turned to face him and he laughed at me.

"It was a very nice beer" 

"Get your own!" I protested, my words slightly slurred after all the drinks I had drunk.

"I could... or I could just annoy a very pretty girl and just drink hers. I think I prefer the second option" he joked confidently. I couldn't help but laugh at what he had said. He took the beer out of my hands again and walked back over to where he had been seated before. I watched as a new girl tried to seduce and he allowed her too. Was he doing this on purpose? I sat myself upon a stool in the kitchen and continued to drink as I watched the baseball which was now playing on the tv. 

I don't think I had ever drunk this much in my life. I didn't go crazy - I was just alone with no one to stop me. The baseball had finished and I felt as if I had nothing left to do. I looked for my phone and realised I had left it on the sofa - the sofa opposite where a young girl was giving head to Max. 'Disgusting' I thought as I walked past them to grab my phone. It had died. Great! I threw myself on the couch and closed my eyes. Trying to drown out the moans and chatter of the people in the room. It was impossible. I sat upright and placed my phone on the small table to the right of me, accidentally catching eye contact with Max whilst doing so. He didn't look particularly... pleased about the woman's... skills. I frowned at him and he raised his eyebrows and raised my beer to say 'cheers!'. I rolled my eyes and walked off once more.

 Maya was nowhere to be seen, Caitlin looked like she was now swimming with Lando and Macey... Macey was fast asleep. 

I had no one to keep me company. Even my phone had bailed on me. I was bored and the more sips I took the more out of touch with reality. I took refuge by the stairs, zoning out and questioning reality when I was joined. 

Max was as intoxicated as I was - his voice was slurred and he even looked it. He sat beside me on the staircase and handed me his finished beer - my finished beer.

"That was one good beer thank you" he laughed.

"I hate you" I mumbled, unable to process his words properly, or mine if I was to be honest.

"I don't think you do" his lips formed a grin - his lips looked gorgeous. "I think you love me"

"I hate you" I repeated.

"Ok princess" his voice was so attractive. I tried to protest at his comment but before I knew it our lips were interlocked.

That was the last I could remember.

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