Chapter Twenty-seven

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A couple of days had past since I returned from Italy back to Monaco. It felt sad to leave the country I loved but it felt better to be home... sort of. 

My apartment looked like a bombshell so alas I found the motivation and effort to finally clean it out - even treating myself to new furniture and decor. 

The day was Thursday and I had a doctors appointment just after 2. I walked down the road to my local clinic and signed in.

"So how long have you been pregnant?" The doctor asked as she sat me down in her office.

"A couple of weeks now" I told her.

"Any symptoms?" 

"Yes I've had morning sickness although that has stopped recently. And my period has been very weird" she pulled a face at my words.

"Unusual. And it was definitely positive?" She asked me.

"Yes I took multiple tests... of different brands" something felt strange about her.

"Well a few blood tests should tell us what's up. She reached for a needle and set everything up to take my bloods. It was a strange tingle as the blood left my body. I felt light headed and weak as more and more blood was drawn and afterwards I had to lay down for a couple of seconds to recover. "I'm going to take these through now and hopefully we will have some results within the next few minutes"

My heart was racing. Was she trying to suggest I wasn't pregnant? 

The next few minutes couldn't go any slower. The clock ticked slow and steady and each second felt like a minute.

Eventually the door opened and the doctor shuffled in, shutting the door behind her and taking a seat at her desk.

"I have some news" her voice was unreadable. I couldn't tell what news she was about to deliver.

"I'm am so sorry but you have lost the baby" she apologised to me as my whole world stopped. 

I had miscarried the baby.

"What" the words could hardly escaped my mouth. My throat was dry but my eyes were preparing to flood with waterfalls of emotion.

"I believe you have suffered a miscarriage. There are signs in your blood you were pregnant but you no longer are. Did you say you were experiencing period issues?" She asked but I could only nod. "Would you describe it as a sort of browny colour and blood clots?" 

"Yes" I mouthed and nodded.

"You have experienced a miscarriage then. I'm very sorry for your loss" I couldn't hear her say the word miscarriage one more time so I thanked her and left, trying to hold myself together until I made it to my apartment. The moment I stepped foot inside, the tears wouldn't stop flowing. How could I have lost it? I had just learnt to love the poor thing and I had killed it. There was nothing I could do but cry for hours upon hours, sinking deep into my bed as guilt and depression overcame me.

It was my fault.

I never wanted it... and I finally got my wish. I cried myself to sleep and upon waking up I found the motivation to reach for my phone. Max had given me his phone number at the weekend so I clicked on his contact and went to message him. 


I lost the baby

Upon sending the message I threw my phone across the room to the chair in the corner and began to cry. I had to tell him even if it hurt to do so. He was going to be its father. It only took 5 minutes before I found the effort to get up and grab my phone - mostly because I was addicted to my phone and that I was too curious to see what Max had replied. 



Are you ok?



Can I come over



I must have left the door open because fifteen minutes later Max walked in and shut the door behind him. He walked into the bedroom and saw me with my face planted into my many pillows and climbed in beside me. He pulled me towards him and held me close as I cried into his chest.

"It's ok" he tried to calm me down as he stroked my hair. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head. I had lost my appetite for food but I was still hungry. "I can order pizza?"

"Yes please" I sniffed and wiped my eyes. They were puffy and red from all the crying. He grabbed his phone and placed an order for two large pizzas from the pizza place down the road. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Shit" I Said truthfully. 

"Just shit?"

"I feel like it's my fault. I didn't want it and now it's gone" 

"It's not your fault y/n. It was never your fault" Max reassured me. His finger gently brushing my hair.

"Do you think it was the alcohol? I never should have dr-"

"We all make mistakes" 

At that moment the doorbell rang and Max got up to answer it. I knew it was the pizza man but my heart stopped for a second incase it was my dad. Max was handed two large pizza boxes which he placed on the kitchen counter. I got up and walked over.

"You don't have to you can eat it in bed" he told me but I took a seat anyway. 

"Max?" I asked 


"If you can win the championship again - can we have another baby?" I asked him and a large grin formed on his face.

"Count down the days princess" he handed me a glass of water. "Unless you accidentally conceive before then" I pulled a face and he laughed. "Too soon?"

"Too soon" I laughed. I felt good knowing I had someone who understood what I was going through - and at least this time I had someone with me as I went through it.


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