●Welcome to Gravity Falls●

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•Narrators pov•
Vesper could be found peacefully sleeping with his head resting on the shoulder of person beside him on the bus he's in. A bump from the bus driving over a pothole stirs Vesper awake from his sleep.

•Vesper's Pov•
I wake up confused on when I fell asleep. I lift my head up quickly remembering what happened just a couple seconds ago. It seems me lifting my head up quickly startled the person beside me, but I wasn't paying attention to that at the moment. I start to look around in confusion and panic.' Where the hell am I!?' I think to myself. I quickly calm myself down and take a deep breath. I look to my right after feeling someone put their hand on my shoulder. I see a boy that looks to be around 12? He has brown hair, he's wearing a worn out brown-ish hat that has a star on it. He is also wearing a red/orange shirt with a blue vest, and grey shorts." Vesper, are you alright?" The boy asked me with a voice filled with concern. I stare at him for a bit.' Why does he look like Dipper from Gravity Falls? Wait how does he know my name??' I think to myself confused and panicked.
In the back of my mind thoughts run rampant, but I try to keep my composure on the outside." I'm fine. But, where are we?" I ask. I try to make it less suspicious, by not asking why he knows my name just incase I know him and I just forgot."Oh! we're heading to gravity falls. Did you forget again Vesper?"  a feminine voice to my left says.

I look over and see a girl, she looks to be about the same age as the boy on my right. brown hair that goes to the middle of her back, she's wearing a pink sweater with a rainbow on it, a pink headband, purple skirt, and black flats over white ankle length socks.' Wait.....What?....Gravity Falls? Hold on! That can't be thats just a show, but... that would explain why they look like Mabel and Mason pines!' I think to myself." Oh, yeah....Sorry about that. my brain is still kinda fuzzy from waking up." I say to mabel, as I let out a small yawn.

"Isn't this exciting! Just think about it. Vesper, I can finally set you up on a date with someone! Oh! I can also get a summer boyfriend!! Eeeeh!!" Mabel says, then starts squealing.
"What! No, your not setting me up with some random dude. Just focus on your own love life." I say to her quickly.' I still can't believe I drowned and I'm now in Gravity Falls....This is so damn weird. I don't think I'll ever get used to this." I think to myself with a small sigh.
"Mabel, stay out of Vesper's love life. He's said that he's not ready yet. He did just finally come out to mom as gay and trans last Christmas." Dipper says to mabel with a scolding tone.

"Last stop Gravity Falls." You hear the bus driver yell." Well, let's start grabbing our stuff." Dipper says. I grab the bag on my lap, as Dipper and Mable grab the bags that are in front of them. We stand once the bus stops and walk  off once the doors open.
'Why am I here? How am I here? This doesn't make sense. But..... it doesn't matter. I was given another chance to live, so I should just be thankful and try my best to fit in." I think to myself with determination and look at one of my hands.' Wait.....Why is my hand smaller......Am I just realizing that I'm younger!?.....What the fuck!!' I think to myself in irritation.

.•°○Well, here's your new chapter. I hope you enjoyed. I love you my lil pups.•°○StitchedBunny○°•.

Gravity Falls.....BUT HOW!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt