Chapter 1

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Have you ever had a dream of meeting your idol, or for all you crazy fangirls have you ever dreamed of marrying them? Well for me my dreams are slowly coming true.
I was 18 and my name was Alyssa Boder I may have been young but I was traveling all over the world with my fiancé at the time Michael Clifford who was 19 and his band. I had met Michael at one of his concerts in Florida. Yes, I was and still am a fan I was so shocked that he had talked to me when I accidentally bumped into him at the hotel we were both "coincidentally" staying at. Yes I did stay at that hotel on purpose but it was worth it because I got to meet my idol and my fiancé. I started dating him a couple months after that when he got in touch with me again. I was touring with him and his band. It's unbelievable how I went from dreaming about him and running a fan page to being engaged to him and touring the whole world. It surely does have its up and downs but, Michael and the boys are cool everything but when they are acting like 5 years olds I want to hit them each in the head with a book. As you know Michael and I are engaged and we are planning to get married this summer but with ROWYSO (their tour) I don't know anymore...
Authors note
I know this isn't much but I just thought I would update now to get it started!

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