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OC for A_Fanfic_Queen's rp.

OC for A_Fanfic_Queen's rp

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Name: Oak (Oaky)

Character Quote: "It can only go up from here!" (he says that a lot, it never seems to be the truth)


Job:Doesn't have one (hopefully that's okay)


Species:Deer-bat hybrid 

Appearance: He has large bat ears and small deer antlers. His patterns are white stripes and spots. His left eye is blue and his right eye is green. He also has large pupils. His wings are still a little too small for flight but he knows he just needs to wait until he's older. Oak also has a small, fluffy deer tail. He is fluffy.


Pronouns:He/him (they/them can also be used)


Personality:Optimistic and happy. He can also get very scared at times. He's not the bravest and isn't afraid to admit that. He is also more of the fun/silly type, often trying to lighten the mood but he knows when to be serious.

Shipping:No, thank you

Abilities:Can glide for long distances but cannot fly (he can fly when he reaches 25), echolocation and good hearing. His eyesight isn't very bad but it's a tiny bit below average 

Resistance:Yes (but if the war is going to happen, which it is, he mainly supports Northlands)

Extra Info (I know you don't need this but I'm doing it anyways): He's really scared of loud noises because he has very sensitive ears meaning everything sounds louder to him. Oaky's favourite colour is green, because of how much he loves the forest. He absolutely hates it when someone is rude/mean to him or his friends and will probably get carried away when he confronts them.


Hopefully that all makes sense! :D

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