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I remain in bed all day with Lucky and Lyn trying to coerce me out. I pull my sheets over my head to better ignore them. When they realize their efforts are futile, they bring me lunch and then dinner. Both I refuse. I'll eat tomorrow, when the sting from today subsides. Tomorrow starts the beginning of my new life, I've decided, when I find the courage to leave Solom's abuse. For today, I mourn the father he'll never be for me. As Bali has taught me, pushing emotion down, not allowing yourself to feel it only creates anxiety and depression to harm you. Allowing the sadness to run its course ensures I'll be able to move passed.

When they're not babbling for my attention or trying to feed me, Lucky and Lyn lie with me. Even though they were annoying me, their friendship is appreciated. I've never confided what it means to me, but they must already know. Why else would they lie peacefully in my bed snuggling with me, after I ignored them so viciously. Our unspoken words have more meaning than the harsh ones of others. This is what I concentrate on to find contentment.

When the sun begins to slumber, outside is darkening with mighty pinks overtaking the blue sky, blackening my room, the moonstone necklace subtly begins glowing with baby-blue around my neck. It brightens my face but a fierce white soon overtakes the necklace. My Night Monster is coming for me. The day is forgotten to think solely of his arms cradled around me.

I cup my necklace in my hands. Lucky and Lyn have drifted off to sleep, and soon I will be with them, but miles apart. I never take off my necklace when awake, because it was gifted by Chandresh. It brings me hope one day he'll find me, if not in Solom's castle then perhaps in the wilderness beyond. Solom believes Lucky and Lyn made it for me, who have graciously agreed to this dishonesty in hopes one day I'll tell them the truth of it. I'm undecided there.

The contentment Lucky, Lyn, and my necklace bring helps me fall asleep.

"Accalia, I'm here," whispers my Night Monster. "Salia, where are you?"

In this realm, my consciousness rises from bed and walks in the direct path of the moon's light. My necklace lights up like a beacon, showing Chandresh where to find me. Within minutes, his silhouette is walking towards me. I step aside into full darkness, and the fierce white in my necklace settles. As Chandresh continues to walk in the moon's lighted path, closer to me, the light dances off his black hair and reveals the pink scars under the earth marks on his arms with the burns on his handsome face, becoming clearer in splotches on his bronze skin. When he's close enough, he steps aside into full darkness then wraps his loving arms around me. I embrace him in return.

Simultaneously, our lips meet. All I want is to be wrapped in my Night Monster and to finish what we'd started the night before. Once more, adrenaline rises inside me for the horrors I wish to inflict on Nicholas and for the things I wish I had the courage to say to Solom, Bali, and the other mix-breeds. But none of them are with me now, so my consciousness morphs my frustrations into lust again.

Chandresh's warm minty breath is savored in my mouth. The sweetness of mint also upon his skin, I notice as my tongue leaves his mouth to trace the arch of his neck. My tongue softly explores higher, to his ears; a teasing moan I leave there. As our mouths find each other again, my body communicates to him my intentions through the jirating of my hips against his.

Lost in his passion for me, he eagerly removes our clothes. He swiftly moves me to the dark ground, his full weight pressed against me, but it shifts as he explores my naked body with his fingers and mouth. First my neck and hips are licked and kissed and squeezed, and then his fingers and mouth meet at my breasts. Soft massages swirl around them as he sucks the peek of my bare skin. I moan and grind my hips into his middle, the spot that has become hot and hard, conveying I need to feel him inside me now. In the next moment, we're making love with ravenous affection.

IMMORTAL SECRETS: THE SACRIFICIAL LAMBWhere stories live. Discover now