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Coiny woke up dazed and confused "What the where am I"

He looked around the room and noticed the 3 robotic tumors who sat on the stage.

"Welcome back Caleb." Cuphead Spoke

Coiny Corrected "It's Coiny-"

"Now Now Nickel. don't be so aggressive, you have a job to do and it's time to do it." The Cup said his face shrouded in the darkness of the hall.

Coiny knew not to argue with his boss so he just shrugged and walked into the office and didn't borrow to put on his uniform but to his shock as he entered he saw a nice pizza box with the words "FOR CORNY DO NOT TOUCH!!!!!!!" He opened the box expecting to see a hot, cheesy slice of pizza but instead it was one frozen slice of pizza and a half-eaten chicken wing.

He looked up at the phone and it was broken with a note on it, "A dog went here from the city zoo to inspect our robots and to see if they were "Offencive to animals" Whatever that means. Anyways if you see a Fox running at you, you should probably throw some bananas at it."

12:00 A.M.

Coiny closed the door on the Rabbit and Duck when they tried the same thing again, he knew he wasn't barking for anyone now. But now there was a different problem: the very sexy fox was looking out of the pirates cove. Coiny was fratinc he didn't know what size condom the fox would need, I mean he couldn't help but feel this way. He could see those rock hard abs shining through those dark corners, so interesting, so dark, so mysterious, so alluring.

1:00 A.M.

Coiny was stuck in a dilemma. Should he throw a banana at the fox when he runs over or should he let him and his beautiful, beautiful, rock hard shining abs. Right while that was happening the vent above the room fell down. Coiny jolted back to reality, standing on the fallen vent cover was Pin and Needle.

"Why are you drooling, Coiny?" Needle asked suspiciously.

"NOTHIN!!!!!" Coiny said, closing all of his incognito tabs.

Pin and Needle looked at each other and shrugged.

Pin asked "So where are the robots?"

Coiny clicked on the lights of the left door and the peacock was standing there.

"Oh Coiny, won't you bark for me?" The thing said, breathing heavily.

Coiny spoke gesturing towards the weird turkey "See evil robots."

Just then they heard running down the hall, it was the sexy fox man. He picked up a banana contemplating. On what to do Pin and Needle we're yelling at him to do something. He didn't know what to do until Pin picked the banana up and threw it at the floor. As the fox slipped on the banana peel and they made eye contact, time slew down and the background turned pink with random love hearts everywhere like every bad anime. Coiny watched in horror as the fox slipped and fell on the floor.

2:00 A.M.

Coiny ran out to see the fox laying on the floor.

"No, no, no, I'm so sorry sexy fox man." Coiny cried

The Mysterious Fox replied "It's ok, baby, my only regret is not getting to know you better."

With one last tear the fox disintegrated.

Coiny yelled out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly a voice talked from behind him, "What's the matter, little boy needs a hug."

Coiny turned around to see the hare staring at him, its horrible unsettling grin looking down at him. The thing reached its hand out but before he could touch Coiny it froze. It fell down and behind the thing was Pin.

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