Chapter 4: This Dance is Dangerous

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Maya struggled to fall back to sleep after the sound of violent coughing woke her. Her concern grew for her old friend as she saw less of her as the days went on. She wasn't sure what Isabela was sick with and it seemed like her mother and father had no clue either. Her sisters were a different story, she asked them that morning if they knew but she was met with hesitation and a trembling sentence from a usually stoic Luisa,  


"She's not ready to talk about it."  

That statement confused and horrified her.  


What was it that was so devastating she couldn't tell anyone?   

Why was she able to tell her sisters but leave her parents in the dark? 

These questions would haunt her until she got a definite answer which she was not sure she could wait for. It was starting to mirror the time when the girl slipped away from her without warning like the petals that fell from her dress. She could not let that happen again.    

Feeling restless, Maya trudged through the dark hallway into the dining room where the light blinded her. Her eyes adjusted to the light as she saw a familiar figure sitting at the table with a petal in her hand. She walked slowly to not startle her and sat next to the now coughing Isabela.  


“Can’t sleep?”  

Maya asked, gazing at the gleaming kitchen light on the girl’s gentle, tired face.  


“No. Did I wake you up?”  

Isabela wondered, her voice sounding hoarse as though it was on its last chord.  


Maya shook her head, examining the exhaustion from her friend’s appearance. Her flowy hair was dull and tangled, her eyes were red and puffy, and her breathing was irregular. She could see the pain in Isabela’s eyes, and it crushed her.    

She hated seeing this flor silvestre hurting so much 


“That cough sounds terrible, are you going to be, okay?”  

She raised her eyebrows in worry.  


Isabela hesitated before answering and dropping the white petal to the floor, she gave Maya a smile.  

“Yeah. It’s just a cold that’s taking forever to go away. I’m fine.”  


From the uncertainty hiding in her voice, she knew Isabela wasn’t sure of her own health. The cough Maya heard was accompanied by retching and excruciating whines that sent shivers down her spine. This wasn’t just some cold either of their mothers could cure. Even still, she wanted to encourage Isabela in her sickened state. They promised each other they would spend time together like they used to. At the same time, she wasn’t sure if her friend felt well enough to try and do what she was offering.   

Taking a deep breath, Maya offered cautiously, 


“I’m here for you if you need me... I know you don’t feel well, but since we’re both the only ones awake, do you wanna go outside and dance with me?”  

She watched the girl’s hazel eyes widen and her cheeks blush, making Maya’s expression switch into a smile.  


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