Chapter 11

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Hi guys thank u to the ones still reading and i wanted to say thank you to Armeshamagic6 and user09044357 for voting it means a lot thank u and I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and yes i did start this story within out a plan so lets see where this goes shall we?

Karmas pov

"Listen get away from them or ill beat your fat ass" I said, I'm scared I have to admit but I can't show that not with them around if they see it they might get more scared then they already are. " your feisty huh" said the fat guy I'm guessing is their leader or something. "So what if I am", he sighed "its always the red heads". He snapped his fingers and the men surrounding the boys moved and surrounded me in stead. 'Did they really forget i have this mother fucking stick in my hand'. I kicked one in the face making him fall and hit his head on the concrete. well one down. I swung the branch and hit another on the head pretty hard. 2. I was about to swing again when one came up behind me and grabbed me lifting me off the ground. The 4th lackey grabbed the branch out of my hand. I felt it hit hard on my cheek I noticed blood drop on to the concrete below. 'Motherfucker that hurt'. I closed my eyes waiting for another hit but it never came. "Boss...?"

Itachis pov

     After being done with my work I went to pick up the boys. 

~After picking them up~

 " So how was your day" i asked. "It was fine though they ignored and avoided us all day" Neji said while looking out the window. "ITACHI STOP" neji suddenly yelled. I hit the break hard. I looked at neji, then i looked to where he was looking at. "Karma?" I thought. I saw him get lifted up off the ground and get hit with a branch. "OH SHIT" i said while jumping out of the car. I went behind the guy and grad his arm putting it behind his back. "Boss...?" I heard karma say. I looked to see his face bleeding a little bit. I don't know why but that made me more mad then I already was. 

    I looked behind me to see sasuke and neji holding down this big fat guy I looked back to see garaa  (OMG AUTO CORRECT CHANGED GARAA TO GARBAGE HELP🤣) on the phone with the police while Shino was holding down the guy that was holding up karma. well I'm guessing karmas kids? Maybe, were around him hugging and seeing if he was ok. Once the police got there they took the guys away thanking us for calling them and how much of a help we were. "Thank you, for helping and every thing," I turned around to see karma "How about you guys follow us to our house and I can treat you boys to dinner". I looked at Sasuke, Neji, Garaa, and shino they all were looking at the other boys while they were looking at the ground. "That sounds great," I said. 

Sorry for the short chapter

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