Opinions on Kaeya

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Paimon: Strange...
(Traveler): What's wrong?
Paimon: Diluc and Kaeya are really alike, so why don't they get along?
(Traveler): How are they alike, again?
Paimon: Well, Kaeya's the kind of guy who acts shady in the light of day...
Paimon: While Diluc is a shining beacon of justice in the dark of night!
Paimon: Don't you think that's... kinda the same thing...?
(Traveler): Uhh... I still don't see it

Sucrose: Oh... I know he likes to joke, and isn't trying to make fun of me, but I often struggle to work out which parts of what he says are the truth and which parts are jokes. So whenever he talks to me, the outcome is usually one of two things: morbid embarrassment or unbearable awkwardness.

Rosaria: Wine has its uses... like revealing someone's true colors, for example. Smooth talk is Kaeya's veil, but being me, I can see right through it. Hah, you should see him when he's drunk.

Noelle: He's a mysterious character! He comes and goes like the wind, and is always occupied with important business. I like the fact that he delegates some of the smaller jobs to me sometimes, it's nice to feel like part of the team, you know... What do you mean, "errand runner"? I don't see it like that at all! Okay, well yes, technically I run errands for him. But still, I really appreciate it!

Mona: Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur... and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.

Klee: Kaeya is the best! He wrote the Favonius Survival Rulebook for me and he always helps me cover it up when I make a big disaster.

Jean: Is that right...? Kaeya also gave you some suggestions. He is an excellent knight after all — this is a fact no one can deny.

Fischl: His nature is obscure, his fate a mystery, and his speech a vexing tapestry woven of both fact and fiction... Perhaps he and I share the burden of mystical sight...

Diona: How is it that even a captain is a disgusting boozehound! You know, that guy who's got that laugh! He downs drink after drink. Ugh!

Collei: How's everyone in Mondstadt, are they good? I caused so much trouble back then, I sometimes wonder if I should make some time to go back there and apologize... Hmm, but what if I ran into the Cavalry Captain, and he started teasing me? ...Yeah, there's no rush, maybe I'll leave it a while longer.

Amber: ...I'm feeling uneasy all of a sudden! Was that Kaeya with you earlier? Did he give you any trouble?

Albedo: The time required to sketch portraits closely correlates with one's mood. I could spend half a day sketching , while I might only need three strokes of the pencil to sketch  — one for the face, one for the eyepatch string... and one for the eyepatch.

Diluc - Kaeya? You can only trust half of what he says... at best.

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