The Response

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Diluc was in Angel's Share, preparing for the day when Amber came running in. He looked up quickly and raised an eyebrow - "Is something the matter, Outrider Amber?"

Amber looks at him - "Master Diluc, Acting Grandmaster Jean requests your presence at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. It's about Sir. Kaeya."

Diluc looks confused - "Kaeya? What happened to him?"

Amber holds up a paper - "He... He isn't... who we thought. Jean requested you."

Diluc grabs the paper from Amber's hand and reads it, his eyes widening - "Where did you get this?"

Amber looks down - "The papers are posted everywhere. The walls, windmills, Cathedral and even the KoF Headquarters. That's why Jean requested you."

Diluc nods and stuffs the paper into his jacket pocket - "Let's go then."

Amber nods as she runs out the tavern and Diluc closes and locks up before following her

'What have you done Kaeya...' Diluc thinks as he and Amber enter Jean's office

Jean looks up at the two - "Thank Barbatos. Did you read the letter Diluc?"

Diluc looked around the room, seeing Lisa, Venti and Albedo - "Somewhat. I skimmed it enough to know what it said. Where's Kaeya?"

Jean sighs - "I haven't been able to find him. But I called you guys because these papers are everywhere and they have Kaeya's signature.""

Lisa reads the paper again - "What confuses me is why he would tell everyone. And when did he make these?"

Diluc sighs and runs his hands through his hair - "I don't know. But I know where to find him. I'll go."

Jean nods - "Please bring him back, Master Diluc. We need more information."

Diluc nods and walks out the office, leaving the KoF headquarters and heads to the Winery

At the Winery

Diluc walks to the tree at the edge of the grapevines and sees Keaya with his legs pulled under his head

Diluc - "You know. You made quite the mess in the city."

Kaeya looks at him through the corner of his eye before turning and looking at the chrystalflies - "That was the point. I know people will be untrusting of me and I'm good with that."

Diluc sighs and sits down - "Jean wants you back at the headquarters. She asked me to bring you."

Kaeya turns and looks at him before getting up and wiping his pants and walking towards the city - "Okay. Take me back."

Diluc frowns and gets up and starts following - "Kae..."

Kaeya - "Don't start that Diluc. I'm fine."

As they walk into the city, the people begin turning away from Keaya. He ignores them and walks up the stairs to the headquarters. Huffman quickly opens the door and backs away as if scared

As Kaeya walks to Jean's office, Klee runs up to him - "Mister Kaeya! Can we go fishing?!"

Kaeya smiles softly and ruffles her head - "I may be a little busy. If I have free time, I will go with you."

Klee smiles and jumps up and down - "OK!"

Kaeya smiles as Klee leaves and takes a deep breath before entering Jean's office - "Acting Grandmaster. You requested me?"

Jean looks up and beckons him in - "Kaeya. You're here. I'm sure you know why."

Kaeya walks in further and sees the others there - "The letter is true. All of it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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