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Trigger warning
!Suicide mention!

So, this may or may not be my last update. I've decided that unless things get better (which i dont even know is possible because everything seems like its fine, i just don't feel fine) I'm going to kill myself on February 28th. Thats 5 days after my birthday, so I'll make it to 15. I planned it this way so I'll likely still feel lifted emotionally from my birthday and can try to give life another chance, but if things dont go well like they did last year then I'm going to k̶!̶l̶l ̶m̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f. Im sorry to anyone who may know me irl, please dont mention this to anyone. It's not set in stone and I'm not financially prepared with the resources to succeed. I'm just hoping for a stroke of luck, and possibly the ability to be less anxious with the knowledge that the result of any major skrew-ups wont last long.

Thank you for reading this,
Goodbye. -Michael

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