Passing by each other.

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The songs i put are just random things dont mind them i listen to these songs while typing!

------------------------"Niragi's Perspective"---------------------------____________________________________________________________Problems

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------------------------"Niragi's Perspective"---------------------------

"Mother, mother! please don't take me with you..! I can handle myself, please.. i don't want to leave her.."
I held onto her hand as i kneeled pleading.

She holds both of my hands and kneels looking at me with pain in her eyes. "I don't want this either Niragi, please try to trust me.." she says as her tears fell on the ground.

I didn't want her to be in so much pain.
But i don't want to leave her.. "My home."

Looking at the car's window she was stuck in my mind, i can't believe i just left her behind just like that.. she deserves someone better than me..

"My love please be happy..."
A few years have already passed time goes by so fast doesn't it? Now i have my own flower shop, Chishiya works too! Sometimes he helps me with my shop!

My shop became a hit mostly when its February 14, Valentines day!

"Happy Valentines Day miss Y/n!" "You too dear costumer, well now who's the lucky girl?" I say teasingly.

"C'mon! You already know her.." "ahh, that beautiful young lady, psst.. i heard she likes tulips" "wait, really? I'll buy a bouquet!"

"Coming right up!" The girl then enters the shop with her friends. "Go on, Romeo shoot your shot!" "Thanks, cupid!" I chuckle watching him approach the beautiful young lady. "Oh, to experience that once again.."

I shook off the negativity. I was then startled when the shop was crowded by People buying flowers to their loved ones, i earned a lot of money today i want to treat myself!

Its just 2 in the afternoon and theres not even a single flower left! Yikes.. "time to close the shop then." I closed the shop as usual, and bought fried chicken.

I went onto the flower field sat on the green grass while talking to the flowers you could say i can't forget him, i did my best you can't really forget someone you truly loved just like that.

Even the flowers probably think i look dumb talking to myself just like this i find myself smiling and hurting just by the thought of him..

"I still can't let go of him how could i possibly? I want to feel his touch once again my beloved, my home, my love, Niragi.."

I spent most of my time there eating and just playing with my phone it made me relaxed and really comfortable.

I wouldve hugged you a little tighter if i knew that would be the last time id be seeing you..

Its finally time that i had to leave since it was getting dark, i stood up walking away from the flowers i then walked past by a man, his hair has grown longer and was tied up he had piercings he looked though.

Its weird that someone like him would come to a place like this but i really shouldn't judge someone just because he looks different. I ignored it as i continue to walk home.
>>Niragi's Perspective<<

I finally came back in tokyo everything has changed now i wonder if the flower field had changed too huh?
It was getting dark but i just can't help but wonder if..

If? I could see her again..? Yes, maybe. I took a walk to check out the flower field as i walked by i went past a lady she had short wavy hair she looked very attractive, she looks like her.

Even if she did she wouldn't forgive me just like that, i laughed at myself who knew id go crazy not being able to see her, everything keeps reminding me of her.

"Chishiya, brother! I'm home!" "Uh-huh"
He probably just got home too. He's a medical student after all, he knows how to cook too! We only have each other so we had to manage. Our parents?

Well, me and Chishiya decided that our parents needed to retire and rest they need to enjoy life more instead of doing so much for us their living somewhere far now.

I really enjoy it like this! "Whats for dinner?" I walked towards the kitchen i then see Chishiya just finished cooking "Just in time, eat up." My eyes shines bright
"Sweet!! Karaage and Shogayaki!?!!??!"

"Thank you brother!" I muffle while stuffing food in my mouth. "Don't speak with your mouth full" he says grinning. When we were finally done eating i washed the dishes and let chishiya rest early.

After washing the dishes i changed and got onto my bed. I then found an old recording? "December 7..?" Oh.
I watched the video.

"Aunt, aunt Niragi's coming hurry! Niragi enters the door, "Happy birthday Niragi!!!" "Thank you guys!"
Niragi brightly smiles as he came and hugged me, "well lets cut the cake!"


The video ended as a single tear on my eye fell.
I left the recording on it kept going on going i cried the whole night. I lay down on my bed hugging my pillow tightly while sobbing.

All i could hear was Niragi's voice playing over and over again. A last tear fell on my eye as i whispered,
"I love you, Niragi." My eyes closed and i went to sleep

The next chapter y/n will finally be in the borderlands!!😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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