Taste in men

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*Stephan's point of view*

So I've decided to go stay at a friend's for the weekend. I feel so alone since I've moved to London, I never realised how difficult it would be not having anyone around. I need to start putting myself out there and talking to people, maybe I'll find band members, I've put myself out there in the past and it's never worked out but now I'm a bit older it might be different. I hope so anyway. Maybe it's because I haven't found someone I connect with properly and that's why it hasn't worked out, we were moving in different directions and we moved apart , if I start putting myself out there I will find the right person to work with that's going in the same direction as me, fingers crossed! Hopefully there's a local band looking for a bassist, an they'll like me and I can join them.

I've got to go now I'm going to catch a train and my friend is going to pick me up from the station at the other end.

Bye guys.

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