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*Brian's point of view*

So right now I'm stood in the middle of the train station waiting. I must look a but strange with this diary in my hand but I don't care. The guitar is straped to my back and I better not be late or my slot just because the train is late.

Anyway there is this guy. He looks a little bit younger than me, he's quite tall from what I imagine, he's sitting down. He has short hair that's shaved either side, he looks clean shaven and has one ear pierced. He keeps looking over this way. I wonder if he wants to ask me something? If he has a question I just wish he'd come and ask, I hate when people do that, just ask for answers.

He just stood up, he's a little taller than I though he would be. He's walking this way, I've got to go. I'll tell you what happens later.

Bye soulmates.

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