Sleeping With Ghosts

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*Stefan's point of view*

I've been waiting forever, where is the train when I need it most? Come on, come on, I'm going be late and I don't want to be late for Brian. It sounds sad but I've missed seeing his face. His smile, it makes me melt and those eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. when I look in those eyes I feel like I'm loosing myself, they suck me in.

The platform was crowded but I managed to push my way through the crowds of people with my bass strapped to my back which is a sport within itself and I got a seat on the train. Three stops and a little walk and I will be with Brian, I can't wait and can just feel myself getting so exited.

Three stops later and I'm starting my walk, it shouldn't take too long, I can see his apartment block from the exit of the station. Come on Stef you know the walk is worth it. I feel like running but I don't want to be out and look desperate, a fast walk will do me.

After enduring a 20 minute walk and 4 flights of stairs I'm finally here, at the door of the sweet man that I really like, although he doesn't know I'm gay and I'm not sure if he's into men I will find out soon.

 I knocked on the door and a few seconds later he opens the door, and the first thing I notice it those eyes, just as gorgeous as I remember. To my surprise Brian hugs me and I hugged him back, he then grabs my hand and pulls me behind him into his flat.  I took the bass off of my back and lent it against the sofa and I sat down. Brian moves my bass up a bit and sits down next to me, he's so close and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach start to rise, I really want to hold his hand or hug him.

He breaks the silence. "Do you want a drink? Something to eat? Or is there anything I can get you?" "Umm, can I possibly have a glass of water?" " Nice choice sir can I get you anything else?" he says sounding kind of like a waiter which made me laugh a little and he just smiles at me and turns walking to his kitchen to get me some water. he comes back and puts the glass down on the coffee table and goes back to sitting close to me on the sofa. " so have you been working on any songs or anything since we last spoke?" I ask to break the silence. " I have, want to you want  hear them?" he says and winks at me before walking to another room and coming back with a guitar in his hand and a piece of paper in the other.


"That's great Brian, That's really something you've got there, what are you thinking of calling it?"  Brian looks out of the window for a minute the he looks back at me for a minute. "I think I'm going to call the song Teenage Angst. do you like it?" " I love it" 

We sit in silence again for a minute before Brian puts the guitar down, leaning it against the chair he was sitting on. He comes over to were I'm sitting, sits next to me again, takes my hand in his and says "You know what Stefan, I really like you, and I think we could work well as a band and as something more if you catch my drift" With that sentence I let out a sigh of relief and start to smile at him. "Me to Brian, me too" We then sit on the sofa hand in hand for a minute, then he hugs me and I hug him back. "Lets go and get something to eat, I know a nice place just down the road" Brian takes my hand grabs his keys and we leave his place and go out to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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