Chapter 10 - As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

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"Ok, on the count of three, you can take off the blindfold," Frank instructed.

Starrey nodded.

"Wait you haven't checked yet, have you?"

Starrey shook her head no.

"Ok, one second," Frank rotated Starrey 180 degrees.

She felt his hands leave her shoulders.

"Ok now on the count of three take off your blind fold, check your email and then you can turn around," Frank spoke moving away from Starrey to the other side of the kitchen island.

"1... 2... 3..." Frank counted.

Starrey removed the bandana. She was facing the stove away from Frank. As she opened her phone, her hands began to shake. This was the moment she'd been waiting months for. Starrey opened the email app and saw the email from UCLA at the top of her inbox. She let out a deep exhale and opened the letter.

"Dear Ms. Evans, thank you for applying to our MFA creative writing program. The program is highly competitive, and we only take a small number of new students each fall. We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a spot in the program. We encourage you to apply again next year. Sincerely, Dean of Graduate Student Admissions, Donney Smith." she read aloud.

Starrey felt tears forming in her eyes. She tried to stifle a sob.


Starrey turned around. Frank had hung a garland that spelled out 'congratulations'. There was a small cake on the counter, with a wrapped gift next to it and she saw he had a bottle of champagne in his hands.

Starrey covered her mouth with her hand, she didn't know what to say.

Frank saw the tears in her eyes.

Starrey shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut.

"I just need a minute," Starrey stuttered and turned, quickly leaving the kitchen.

Frank listened to her climb the stairs to her room. His vampiric hearing let him hear the whisper of the door closing.

'Fuck,' Frank thought. His chin length black hair swung in front of his eyes as he put the champagne back in the fridge. He looked up at the garland he had strung just a little bit ago. Frank hadn't even entertained the notion she wouldn't get in. He felt dumb for forgetting that she might not get in.

He moved slowly around the kitchen, unsure of how much time she needed. He slid the cake back into its pastry box, and grabbed the small, wrapped gift he'd gotten her. Frank waited ten minutes before he headed to the stairs. On the second floor he saw her door was closed at the end of the hallway.

He approached the door, and heard sobs on the other side. Frank stepped back. He wanted to give her the space she needed, but wanted to be close by when she was ready. He looked out the window, the sun had completely set. It was totally dark out. Frank sat on the windowsill and waited. He placed the gift in his hands next to him on the sill.

He waited until he didn't hear any sobbing through the door to lightly knock, "Starrey, I'm here if you want to talk,"

He didn't get a response. Frank hung his head, but then had an idea. He pocketed her gift and headed outside. In the chilly LA night Frank built a bonfire in the aboveground fireplace. Starrey's window faced the back yard.


Starrey watched Frank light the fire through the window. She wiped her face with her hands. She tiptoed into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face.

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