Chapter Nine

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I stare at Sebastian with wide eyes and slam my hands down on the desk in front of him. He barely looks up but I can see the irritation in his face by the way his jaw clenches.

"You're not sure?" I huff at him. "Well you need to be sure because I'm kind of scared as shit right now."

"Would you get a hold of yourself and stop behaving like the vexing child you are." He rolls his eyes at the piece of paper as he holds it tightly in his hand. The paper crinkles and he huffs out a breath before laying it flat on the table and smoothing it out.

"I think I have the right to be acting like a child right now." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Get out." He points to the door.

I don't even follow the direction his pointing in. "Did you not hear a word that I just said? I'm scared Sebastian."

"I shouldn't have told you." He mutters to himself. "You'll be fine."

"Theo would've done something to protect me." I glare at him.

He stands up suddenly and stalks out of the room. I roll my eyes and follow him all the way into the hallway. He doesnt even look back at me as he storms away, and he says im the child.

"Where are you going?" I ask him and he turns to glare at me.

"I'm walking you back to your fucking dorm room Greene."

"Oh." I blush. "Thank you."

"Whatever." He grumbles.

He leads the way and fall into to step beside him. Whenever my hand accidentally touches his arm he tenses and his eyes narrow into slits. When we finally reach my dorm room my face falls and I push past Sebastian so that i can get in the room.

"What the fuck happened?" I ask Niamh, Francesca and Theo who are already here.

"We don't actually know." Francesca shrugs her shoulders already moving to take up a bunch of my stuff off of the floor. "Did you forget to lock your door?"

I shake my head and Sebastian inspects the lock. After a second or two he looks back up at me, a frown set on his face. "Your lock isn't broken. Are you sure you locked it?"

"I locked my door." I turn to Sebastian. "I know I locked it."

He steps into my room and peers at the mess. My beds been moved, turned over on its side and every single one of my belongings have been thrown out onto the floor. Niamh's remains untouched.

"They were looking for something." He says, narrowing his eyes as Theo takes a pen out of his blazer pocket and uses it to pick up a pair of my lacy underwear.

He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me as I snatch the red underwear from him. "Give me those."

"So what does this mean?" Niamh asks as Francesca takes a seat on her bed beside her. "Is Spencer next?"

"Don't say that!" I throw a sock at her and look at Sebastian. "Wait. Am I?"

He just looks back at me with a blank expression before turning and walking over to my desk table.

I gape at his back and March over to him. "Hello? I'm talking to you." I say tapping him on his back.

"I'm thinking." He mutters.

"Well think out loud please."

Sebastian straighten his back and glares hard at me and I scowl as he pushes me up against the wall, one hand grabbing my waist tightly and the other on the wall just beside my head. He surveys me, his eyes travelling up and down my body. It makes my cheeks flush but my gaze remains on his face as he glowers at me.

"What are you hiding, Greene?" He asks me, making me frown.

"Back off." Theo nudges his brother and pulls me out of his grip. "Angel isnt hiding anything." He squints down at me, forehead glistening with sweat meaning he probably just came back from practice. "Or are you? Secrets are sexy."

I pull away from him and roll my eyes playfully. "The only thing I was hiding in here was that dumb folder for your ass of a brother."

Sebastian takes his eyes off my desk and his jaw ticks but he doesnt say anything because he knows that I'm obviously right. Not that he cares that hes now put me in danger of being kidnapped.

Theo flips my bed back so that it's back to normal and smiles as he picks up my journal that I keep under my bed. Well at least they kept that. He holds it up to me and throws it so that I have to catch it.

"A diary?" He raises an eyebrow. "Cute."

"It's not a diary." I state, fingering the black leather in my hands. "It's a journal."

He laughs folding some of my clothes neatly and putting them back where they belong. "That's what Bash calls it too."

I look at Sebastian but he just ignores his brother, typing away at something on his phone. I dont say anything either and just focus on cleaning the mess in my room. I snatch another pair of underwear from Theo's hands and Francessca smacks him upside the head which makes him laugh even more.

"The party." Niamh says suddenly making me pause.

"What party?" I question.

"We're throwing a party." Theo's eyes twinkle. "A costume party if you will." 

"Are you out of your mind?" I narrow my eyes at him. "There's a possibility I'm at risk of being kidnapped."

"Which is why you need a party. You're stressed." He shrugs his shoulders, messing with his hair and for a split second I wonder what it would be like to run my hands through his hair.

I snap out of it and turn to Sebastian. "He's joking right?"

"You haven't been initiated." He doesn't look up from his phone.

"Initiated?" I look to the girls for help.

Francesca just shrugs and Niamh says it's supposed to be a surprise. Great help they are.

"She doesn't need to be initiated." Theo's eyes flick in his brother's direction.

"What does that mean?" I cross my arms against my chest.

Sebastian exhales at me all dramatically as if im causing some kind of inconvenience for him. "Just be at the party."

"Okay and when I'm kidnapped and taken away from here, you'll be sorry." I mumble.

Theodore laughs but Sebastian doesn't. Doesn't even smile. Asshole.

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