Chapter Thirteen

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"We're going out." Niamh says pulling me out of my bed.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Where?"

"Some guy is throwing a party at his parents house a few miles from here. The whole school is gonna be there." She says stepping towards her closet and pulling out a selection of dresses.

"Are you insane? Didn't we just go to a party last night?" I groan watching as she tries on multiple dresses.

She pauses. "You don't want to come?"

I smile flopping back down on the bed. "I just want to curl up in this warm bed right here, eat as much junk food as I can and sleep."

"Who am I gonna use as my wingwoman?" She pouts, flicking blonde hair out of her face.

"Just bring Francesca with you." I suggest and she sighs but agrees and continues to get ready.

I help her pick out out a dress and the minute she leaves I walk to the school's cafeteria and grab a bunch of food. As I'm walking back to my dorm room Sebastian walks towards his own dorm room, from the opposite direction, and pauses to look at the food in my hands. He raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't say anything and walks into his room, slamming the door behind him.

I walk into my own room, setting all the food down on my bed and open my laptop to watch a movie. After searching for half an hour I think my brain explodes because something inside me decides I should go over to Sebastian's room.

I grab all the food and head over, knocking on the door. The door swings open and Sebastian leans against the door frame, staring down at me. He's wearing very low low pyjama bottoms and no shirt and glasses. Hot damn.

"Can I help you Greene?" He pushes his glasses up and I just about die.

"I have food." I say and he blankly stares at me. "Everyone's gone to that party and you are quite literally the only person left here so I thought we could hang out. I'm insanely bored."

"You want to," He narrows his eyes at me. "Hang out?"


"No." He tries to close the door on me but I put my foot in the doorway.

"Please." I pout putting on my best puppy dog face.

His jaw tightens but he doesn't open the door any wider. I sigh and push past him, dropping all the food on his desk table. He groans as he closes the door behind, dropping down on his bed and picking up a book.

"What you reading?" I ask him sitting on the computer chair and spinning around.

"Don't talk." He shushes me, concentrating on the book in his hands.

I wheel closer to him so I can read the title of the book and smile. "Anna Karenina. Great read."

He sighs, setting down the book. "I thought I told you not to talk."

"Haven't I made it clear that I don't do as I'm told?" I reply with a shrug watching him as he runs his finger along the spine of the book. "Does that make you mad?"

He rolls his eyes and bites his tongue, making me smile despite the shiver that runs down my spine.

"Do you rolls your eyes at everyone or do I get under your skin more than most?" I ask.

"I find you particularly frustrating." He replies evenly. "And I think you enjoy it."

I smile at him. "Of course I do."

He huffs taking his glasses off and crossing the room to put the book back on his shelf. He spins my chair around so that I'm facing him as he pauses behind me. He steps between my legs, bending down so that his lips are right by my ear and my breath hitches at how close he is.

"You like talking Greene?" He whispers and I gulp. Hard. "Let's talk."

"About what?" I ask him.

He moves away from me and sits on his bed, spinning me to face him once again. "Whatever you want Greene."

"Why do keep calling me Greene?" I bite my lip and he watches me intently.

He raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Would you rather I call you Angel?" He says the nickname rather distastefully and it makes me frown.

I scoff. "Never mind."

He thinks for a minute tapping his finger on the bed. "Greene do you find me attractive? Do you want to kiss me?"

I choke on my own spit and stare at him wide eyed. "What?"

"Do you want to kiss me?" He shrugs his shoulders like it's not a big deal whilst I will the ground to open up and swallow me whole. "Girls want to kiss me. Actually they want to do more than kiss me. That's a fact. Do you?"

"Does it matter if I do?" I bite my lip.

"I suppose not. He tilts his head slightly. "Though it would make you a lot more bearable to be around if I knew you were into me."

"Well too bad for you." I stick my tongue out at him and he just barely smiles at me.

We look at each other for a minute but the moment is broken because of a loud crash coming from above us. I whip my head up and frown before turning to look at Sebastian but he's already on his feet heading towards the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask him in a hushed whisper and he looks back at me, glaring.

"Call Theo." He tells me, going up the stairs.

I pull my phone out from my pocket and dial his number. He answers after a few rings and the noise of the party rings in my ear.

"Hey Angel. Gimme a sec let me go outside." The party noise gets quieter so I start talking.

"Sebastian told me to call you. We think someone's here, in the dorms."

"You're in the dorms? With Sebastian?"

Sebastian rolls his eyes taking the phone from me, he says something to his brother before hanging up and shoving the phone in my hand. I frown at it and shove it in my pocket. "Don't we need weapons or something?" 

Sebastian turns back to me with a shrug. "You probably should've grabbed something." 

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