Love challenge

28 2 5

Q1: Who was your first crush?

A guy in 3rd grade who left for middle school a year before I was in 5th grade. Tbh he was cute >3<

Q2: Current Crush

Nope :3

Q3: Girl crush?

Once so far. I don't wanna give away her identity so

Q4: Celebrity Crush?


Q5: Worst ex?

Never had one

Q6: Kissed anyone?

On the cheek once, to mah third grade crush.

Q7: Ever seen a crush in their underwear?


Q8: Ever been on a date?


Q9: Has a crush told you they love you?

3rd grade crush

Q10: What would you like in a partner?

Patience, generosity, preferably childish, and I can't think of anything else XD

(why are there so many questions wtf)

I nominate everyone who reads this because I'm evil HAHAHAHA *hides*

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