Short Story

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My name is Cloud. I'm just your everyday normal loner. Until I decided to follow this one certain cat. His name was Jake. He had decided to spy on RiverClan, so I did the same. He was sitting there, clear as day. I was quite surprised no one had noticed him yet, so I whispered, "Unless you want to get caught, get in a bush!" He looked around but didn't see or scent me, so he just turned back around and kept watching. "I said, get in a bush!" I hissed. He jumped and fell into camp. I facepawed and muttered, "Idiot." I kept on watching and I think one tom scented me. He padded over and poked his face in the bush. "May I help you?" He said, smiling. "Thanks, I'm fine!" I said with mock kindness. I was frustrated, so I kind of regret doing that. "May I escort you? Wouldn't want a beauty like you getting in trouble. I blushed slightly and nodded. "Just make sure my friend gets out safely, alright?" He nodded. "I'll make sure," and he started padding towards the RiverClan border and, instead of stopping, crossed it and sat on some rocks in ThunderClan territory. "Thanks," I said. "How about we meet here again tonight? I'll bring your friend," he said with a handsome smile. "Sure," I said. "See you tonight!" He said as he crossed borders. "You too!"

Later that night, he brought Jake as he had promised. "Here's your friend," he said. "Thank you, is it OtterTail?" I turned to Jake. "And you're welcome for having me save your pelt," I said. He looked away. "If they wanted to hurt me, they would've done it already! Plus, I don't even know you!" I snickered. "That's what you think," I said quietly. OtterTail came over and murmured something in my ear. "Meet here again tonight, okay?" I nodded, smiling. He backed away and leaped across the river. "Bye!" I said.
I spent the rest of that day irritating Jake by following him anywhere he went, and went back to the same rocks as promised that night. He had come soon after I did, and smiled. "It's nice you wanted to meet again," he said. I smiled. "Same to you." He muttered, "We should go somewhere else so my Clanmates won't see." I nodded and we went over to a Twoleg fence.
"Your eyes look nice in the moonlight," he said. I smiled happily. "Thank you,"
And then he touched my nose. I blushed ferociously, still smiling. He retracted and softly licked my cheek. "It's nice out here," he said. I nodded in agreement, still blushing.
We stayed there and talked until the sun rose, and he had to leave. He stood up, and we agreed to meet again tomorrow. We said our goodbyes, and he leaped across the river.
For a long time, we kept on meeting. He became deputy, and we couldn't meet every night. Soon, it became once a month.
Later, I heard that he was fatally wounded in a fight with WindClan.
I spied in again on RiverClan to see if he was okay, and I had arrived just in time to see him die.
His last words were, with teary eyes, "I just want to see her again." And then he was gone. His eyes faded of all life, and he went still.
I was watching the elders of his Clan burying him, and when they were gone, I stood at the foot of the mound he was in, cold and dirty.
I started crying, and felt an odd presence next to me. My tears hit the dirt and became mud, and something said. "Never forget our romance." I could almost hear his smile as the breeze over powered it.
"Never again," I said, still crying.
I fell asleep next to his grave, and woke up only to the sound of voices above me.
"Who is she?"
"I don't know. Some loner."
I lifted my head at this point and hissed softly.
A tom hissed back. "Who are you?"
I didn't answer, and I let him scratch my cheek in frustration. They took me into RiverClan camp, and I blindly followed.
When I got in, I widened my eyes to recognize Jake. I mouthed, "Why are you here?"
He didn't answer, just stared at me. They took me to their new leader, ShellStar.
"Why were you at OtterTails grave?" She asked kindly.
I didn't answer, just stared.
"Are you deaf? I said, why were you found at OtterTails grave?"
I was silent.
"Oh, I know. That explains why he kept leaving at night." She said. "You're his mate. At least, you would've been." ShellStar said.
I glared at her, still not saying anything.
She looked down at my stomach. "You've got kits," she said.
I looked down in surprise.
"I guess SkyPelt needs to help with that. You will stay with us until your kit is born, and we will let you go."
Now that I think about it, I did feel slight kicks every now and then.

It had been moons before my kits were born. I had a she-cat and a tom. The she-cat was brown with black spots and a white tail tip. The tom was gray with black stripes and a left black paw. I nuzzled my daughter. "You look just like your father," I murmured. No one else knew that OtterTail was my mate other then ShellStar. I got to leave after a few days, and my kits were strong. I named the she-cat Otter, after her father, and the tom was named Jay. We left as we promised and found a nice spot to live in near Twolegs.
Otter was stolen by some other rouge, who I killed after I found him. I found her dead under a bush. I found her a proper spot to be put to rest, and buried her there, Jay watching next to me.
We were repeatedly attacked by ShadowClan warriors, and moved into the mountains.
There, we found peace, and Jay grew up and left me. After a few years, the unexpected happened.
Jay walked up the mountains with a large group of cats behind him. I was overjoyed to meet him again, but he pushed me away in disgust. He then tackled me and dug his claws into my chest. "You let her die, so I'll let you die," he said. He raked his claws across my chest and stomach, and all I could do was sit in shock. He left me to bleed to death, and I saw OtterTail next to me, smiling.
"Don't worry about anything, 'cause I'm here," he said. I ceased breathing and died quietly, joining him in StarClan.

Okay, that wasn't a SHORT story, but it was a story. I'll possibly make this into an actual book if people want me to. Anyway, the beginning part to when OtterTail died actually happened in Roblox. But after the player playing OtterTail left the game, I left, too. If I stayed, I would've had nothing to do, so yeah.

(Plus, 90 parts :3)

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