Mom Reacts

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So, I showed my mom a video I VenturianTale.

It was the Toy Story one when Venturian got stuck in the bed and acted like a creeper and made Issac look like a monster... Anyway, to the reaction!

Me: Mom, this is a video of VenturianTale, that guy (Brother's Name), (Sister's Name), And I have been talking about.

Mom: Okay...

Me: *Starts video*

*Video Plays*

*Jordan makes Issac look creepy/funny*

Mom: *Quietly yells* Ah!

Me: C'mon! It's funny! XD

Mom: That's the sort of stuff that gives me nightmares!

*Mom checks her phone*

Me: Mom...

*She doesn't reply*

Me: MOM!

*She looks up*


(She was silent for most of the video)

*Jordan puts his emblem on Andy's pin-board thingy*

Mom: *Giggles*

(She was silent the rest of it)

Me: So, what did you think?

Mom: I would like watching this every once in a while, but I wouldn't watch it for a couple of hours.

*She walks off into the living room to watch T.V.*

So, that was my mom's first reaction to VenturianTale... I disapprove...

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