jubilee line

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Quackitys pov

I wake up on my desk, my head felt like it was on fire. i should've listened to charlie when he told my not to get drunk last night. i slowly get up and go get some water. after i got my water i slump back into my chair and try to do some paperwork, as i was going to add another building to las nevadas.

my head hurt so bad i could hardly focus but i managed to get one page done "thats one out of 100..." i mutter to myself.

midway through another paper i hear a knock on my door. it was Slime

"Quackity from las nevadas, Wilbur from l'manburg is here to see you!"

I immediately jump out of my chair and rush to the door. him being here could be a disaster i needed to get him out of my country as soon as possible. as i open the door and let him in, i glare at the taller and thank slime for brining him. i close the door and start yelling at the man in front of me.


he puts his hands up in defence, he was smugly grinning "relax I'm just here to chat"

i wasn't in the mood for his antics.

"SOOT IM NOT IN THE MOOD, IF YOUR HERE TO ANNOY ME YOU'VE DONE YOUR JOB SO YOU CAN LEAVE NOW" my hangover was bad enough, now i have to deal with this maniac.

"Quackity its about tommy." his once smug face turned completely serious.

all my anger vanished instantly as i heard those words. the room once filled with yelling now silent.

"is he ok?" i say with concern in my voice. tommy was a good kid he's been through so much.

"he wants to join las nevadas and i will let him but i need to know you have his best interest at heart, this shouldn't be something your doing just to spite me." Wilbur was serious, he really cares for tommy I've only just now realized he could care for another human being asides from himself.

"Soot i promise I'm doing this to protect him. the boy's been through enough I want him to have a break."

"thank you.. promise me you'll be there even when I'm not? he needs someone to rely on, and clearly he doesn't trust me anymore..." Wilbur looked.. remorseful, guilty almost. i was amazed, i had no doubt In my mind he didn't care for anyone but himself but now I'm rethinking that. maybe the creeper isn't that bad after all (i call him the creeper because he randomly appears and.. you know he has explosive tendencies)

i nod and he sighs in relief. he starts making his way to the exit, leaving me alone in the dark room. i suddenly realized we had been talking for a while as it was now dark out. i had no clue what i was thinking but before i could even process anything i blurted out "stay here for the night-"

he turned around, surprised at what i have just said all he could say was "what?"
I prefer not to take back my word so I mentally slap myself and continue "stay with me tonight, Las Nevadas isn't safe at night and I don't think Tom would be happy if you died again."

He just looks at me, bewildered.

Wilbur's  pov     

I didn't know what to think, one second he want me out of him country, another he wants me to stay the night. Before I could think of some thing to say he grabs my wrist and drags me to his apartment.

"I thought u hated me ducky~" I say with a smirk tugging at my lips.

"I do, but your not as bad of a person i thought you were. And don't call me that soot." He said obviously annoyed but with some compassion in his voice

once we get there Quackity almost immediately lets go of me and says "you can stay in the guest room, 2nd room to the left." then he goes into what i think is his room and leaves me to wander around.

he must be really tired if he's leaving me alone here, i could light this place on fire or something.

i head to the guest room, flop on the bed and let sleep take over.

Quackitys dream pov    

i wake up in a white room, the lights were blinding. the room echoed with the slight sound of metal colliding. I'm laying down on my stomach so i can't see around me very well, suddenly i feel a sharp pain all over the most promanit one on my eye ( the bad one). i get up to see where i am, i needed to find a way to get out. when i get up i realize I'm in a hospital room. i look down to see all my previous wounds have re opened, there were large cuts, scratches, and burns all over my body. starting to freak out i look for an exit. while looking i find a mirror, curios i look at myself in the mirror and imidetly freeze in terror.

there was a large hole in my chest, exposing my heart. i cover my mouth and look away in disgust. my heart was ripped in half bearly staying together by a string of flesh. there was blood dripping down me and forming a puddle at my feet.

i turn back to look in the mirror again to make sure i wasn't hallucinating. when i look back i see my exes standing behind me. schlatt staring at me with a devilish gaze, karl looking at me as if i was a monster and sapnap just has an empty stare clung onto his face. 

i wanted to scream or cry or anything i just wanted to go back to las Nevadas.

next thing i knew i was being grabbed by all three of them and being dragged to a seemingly empty train platform, i looked over my shoulder and saw.. Wilbur? i couldn't tell if it was him. cries echoed through the area.

next thing i know i hope up in my bed, my heart was pounding through my chest and i couldn't control my breathing.

"it- it was just a dream..." i sigh a breath of relief and get my breathing under control.

i step out onto my balcony to get a breath of fresh air. i was sitting there letting the wind flow through my jet black hair. after about fifteen minutes of just standing there thinking, i go back inside, knowing i wouldn't be able to fall asleep again tonight i decide to go check on Wilbur to make sure he hasn't blown anything up.

when i enter the room he's staying in a feel relief wash over me as he's simply just sleeping there. i find myself staring at the man in front of me, in a deep peaceful slumber.

he looked kind of cute.. with his fluffy chestnut hair with that adorable little white streak going through it (it kinda looks like black coffee with some cream poured in but its not mixed yet) resting lightly on that gorgeous sleeping face. the slightly rosy cheeks paired with the soft kissable lips.

i snapped out of my trance when he turn around in his sleep. as i start heading to the exit i hear a deep slightly groggy voice coming from behind me.


i turn around to see the sleepy boy sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"are you ok? you look really pale-" concern in his tone.

"yeah I'm fine." 

 he pats a space beside him indicating i should sit down, i hesitate for a few seconds but then do.

"whats wrong?" his gaze was gentle and his voice was soft.

i take a deep breath then reply.

"i just had a bad dream."


hello! hello! its the author again i hope you enjoyed this and please do tell me if theres anything i should add anything or if theres something i need to fix. 


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