-friends at last.-

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J.J dashed into the bathroom sobbing. Jaydis ended up rejecting him even after J.J fought Emiliano for him. (I mean, Emiliano was pretty easy to fight as he was built like a tree trunk, but still if Emiliano sat on him it would be over.) Talon wiped the tears from his eyes and got up to comfort J.J. Isaiah stepped out of the bathroom. "Hey, J.J... how you feeling?" Talon asked softly. "I... I... I'm not sure how to feel." J.J told Talon in between sobs. Talon put a flapjack built hand on J.J's back as he vented. "I.. I just liked Jaydis for such a long time, and his stupid girlfriend JK messed it all up." Talon looked at him in confusion. "I mean i guess it's her fault, but isn't Jaydis straight?" J.J then remembered when Jumpscare gang banged him and jaydis, but he didn't say anything. "Well..." j.j began....

Talon had finally became friends with J.J. He hoped to win his heart over time. Obviously his feelings were still strong for Jaydis, but J.J had started to value Talon a lot more. Talon had been invited over to J.J's party, where he played spin the bottle and made out with ezequiel. (As a homie of course, just kissing the bros.) "hey bro ski" ezequiel called out to talon in the hallway. The word got out, and the whole school thought that they were a couple now!! J.J felt jealous. He didn't know why though. Was he catching feelings?

~Jalón, the love story.~ Talon X J.JWhere stories live. Discover now