Chapter 1★

898 21 242

They were at practice. They'd just gotten done perfecting the choreography for their upcoming show

Tsukasa seemed awfully quiet, and he had a blank expression on his face almost as if his mind was somewhere completely different than his body. The others couldn't stand watching him like this.

Rui pulled tsukasa behind the stage, he needed to talk

"Tsukasa" Rui says

"Yes?" Tsukasa responds

"Is something wrong. You know you can tell me right. Even if you think it's stupid you can tell me I promise." Rui says."Just please tell me, I'm worried"

"Why would there be anything wrong? There's no need to be worried Rui, I'm fine" Tsukasa says smiling

"Are you sure?" Rui asks

"Yes" Tsukasa says

Rui didnt believe him. "Alright then" he sighs before planting a kiss on the others forehead

After they've finished practice everyone tells each other bye

"GUYS" Emu says energetically "WE SHOULD GO TO THE ARCADE!!!!"

"Sure" Nene says

"I don't see why not" Rui says

"YAYAYA" Emu celebrates "What about you Tsukasa? Are you coming???"

"Uhm... No I think I'll pass" He says "I need to do some homework. Can't have a future star failing can we?" He plasters on a smile and walks away

"But I thought he...?" Emu starts "Tsukasa already did all his work though, didn't he Nene? Rui?"

"We did it together, was there more?" Rui says

Tsukasa got home and went straight to his room. He looked at his phone and looked at the comments on their recent show

user2828283839: God that Tsukasa guys is so annoying. Calm down dude ☠️

user2929376: Why did they chose that guy... He's so loud.

user7938382: Lord, how do they even put up with that guy

user087729847: I feel like that show would've been so much better without Tsukasa's loud ass 😭☠️

He threw his phone

He'd been hearing and seeing things like this everywhere. He couldn't escape it. He never knew this many people hated him.

"Tsukasa?" Saki says, opening his brothers door.

"Ah- Yes?" Tsukasa says walking over to the door

"Are you alright?" Saki asks

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Saki says walking into his room

They sit on his bed

"I heard a loud thud" she says

"Just dropped my phone is all" He says reassuring her

"Alright... If you say so." she says before standing up to leave. "I'll be in my room if you need me"

"Ok, thank you" He responds

And then she left

He sat on his bed and stared at the wall. Were all those things that were said true? Was he really that annoying? Should he tone it down? But if he did would people worry more? He didn't know how to handle all these feelings at once. Usually he'd be better than this at hiding his feelings but he couldnt this time. He didn't have the energy

A Stars End//Tsukasa Angst Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora