Chapter 2★

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(sorry for the caps when they yell i saw a video and i literally had no idea that would make people not wanna read this )

Once they all dropped Tsukasa off at his house,since it was the closest, they were all on their way

Tsukasa sighed

He knew Saki wouldn't be home til later, she was hanging out with her friends

Their parents were away on a business trip

So he was all alone

He went up to his room

He felt a heavy feeling in his chest. He'd felt this feeling before. It's been coming more often then not it seems. It's almost like it's strangling him. As if in these moments he can't breathe. In these moments he wants nothing more than to cry in someone's arms. But he's always left with the feeling of emptiness instead

He sits on his bed

The feeling gets stronger

It's dark

He begins crying. He couldn't help it. He doesn't even remember why he wanted to become a star let alone that it would turn out like this. He had seen stuff like that in the comments before but why were they only affecting him now

He was feeling so much in that moment. It was overwhelming. Almost as if every pent up emotion was coming out all at once.

Downstairs Saki unlocks the door. She'd told Tsukasa she'd be out so she could go get him something to hopefully cheer him up. But all she heard when she went upstairs was him sobbing.

It made her sad

She knocked on the door

Tsukasa composed himself almost immediately and opened the door

"Yes" he says

"I brought you something" she says, handing him the gift

It was a necklace custom made. It had a picture of him and Rui in there. Rui had helped Saki pick the picture and pay for it

He looked at the gift for a moment.

He hugged her "Thank you Saki"

"It wasn't all my idea. Rui helped me" she says

"I'll thank him as well" he says

They stop hugging and Saki looks at him

"Why were you crying" she asks

"Oh uhm- I was- I was practicing for the theater club at school! Yes that's right! There's a part in the play where the main character cries at the tragic death of his best friend" Tsukasa says

"Alright then" she says "well if you need anything ill be in my room"

"Ok!" he says.

And with that he was alone again.

He sighs

He might as well get some homework done

By the time he's done it's about 10pm. He lays down on his bed and looks on his phone

He got a message from Rui

"Hey, how is your night going?"

He didn't have the energy to respond to him properly so he just put


"I'm glad to hear it! And also, is practice still on for tomorrow?"


A Stars End//Tsukasa Angst Where stories live. Discover now