New people and first month

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Marinette has been at the Art and Performance School of London for a week, she has become friends with interesting people.

First was Stacy, she attends Dance lessons and wants to be part of a K-pop band, obsessing over a band called 'Stray Kids' she also runs the whole school, she's nice to the teachers face but as they turn she's someone you don't want to get on the bad side.

Second was Erin, Stacy's right-hand girl, who attends art class, in her extra time she does music, she always thinks she picks the wrong class but is talented, also not a morning person and will tell anyone to go away when she hasn't had coffee or an energy drink in her first lesson in Fashion class, she becomes friends with a girl called Leah, a girl with long brown hair, light-skinned, with green eyes, also happens to be friends with Stacy, her dream is to work with a popular clothing company, hoping they get shown on model runways

(Don't worry this isn't Lila)

Lastly, she became friends with two boys she met during lunch, Felix and Kaz, both boys do Music, Felix is only there for his mum and plays instruments and Kaz wants to become a hip-hop singer, he already has a song release but refuses to tell them what its called. Stacy is dating Kaz, Leah only dates women, and Felix and Erin are single, everyone keeps telling them to date someone but Felix says the same thing "I see no point and it's only a distraction" and Erin says "I'm not interested, plus, my focus is on my art, I agree with Felix, love is only a distraction"

A month goes by, Marinette still calls her parents every week, her English has improved and Stacy's attitude has rubbed on her, she never was the shy Marinette her old friends knew her by, she finally has a voice, she voices her opinions and concerns easily and has dyed half her blond hair, she was meant to add black but she likes it blond and kept it.

"Marinette...damm it seems too long... can I call you Mari" Stacy complains as she makes her way to the table Mari was sitting at, it was 3:00, making it extra curriculum time, Mari laughed at her misery "yea, what makes you think you couldn't" Stacy looked at her with annoyance "you look like the girl to bite when shit doesn't go your way" this made Mari stop laughing and look at her annoyed "hay, I don't bite"

"But I do" Felix sat on Mari's other side "Hello the prince of darkness" Stacy smirked but complained as Felix frows a pen at her "Hello to you the queen of loudness" This made Mari chuckle "Don't entertain him" Stacy complained again, she noticed Kaz walks in with a book open looking confused.

"KAZ, THEY ARE BEING MEAN TO ME" Stacy shouted to him making him look up, he looked confused for a second and asked Felix if she was annoying, Felix being Felix he nodded making Kaz nod in acknowledgment "ya on your own hun," he said as he stood on the chair to sit on the table next to Felix and ask him if what he written sounds good, Stacy huffed "where's Erin and Leah when you need them" both girls love to annoy the boys, even tho boys are not on their minds, they love to flirt with then to keep them quiet, was a fun sight to watch.

Mari took her sketchbook out of her bag and remembered that they wouldn't be attending extra curriculum due to not sleeping the night before "ARE YOU KIDING ME....I swear the girls are gonna be the death of me" she rubbed her head as Mari pats her back.

Mari looked at her sketchbook, she didn't know what she wanted to next design, so she sat in confusion, she looked up to get some inspiration, and she realized she was the happiest she'd been, living in Paris she realized she felt trapped like she couldn't get out of a nightmare, she has high expectations to do well in school, and as Ladybug, here in London, she didn't have any Ladybug responsibility, she knew she had the Kaalki on hand incase anything goes bad in Paris but so far Chat Noir had it under control, she was kinda upset she had to leave him to do all the work, he to was also upset with her sudden moving away.

He was the second person to listen to her, she had a feeling he might have been going to the same school as him from the way he knew some students and what they were like, most with Lila, but she shrugged it off as a consequence as Lila loves to speed lies through Paris, she was also grateful she doesn't have to deal with her but seeing as the school year was coming to an end and has to go home for the holidays makes her scared, she does miss her parents but it scared her knowing she might have to bump into Lila or one of her old classmates, like Alya.

The group noticed Mari was deep in thought, all knew how shit her old school treated her and had a feeling she was dreading going back home for the holidays, Stacy placed a hand on her back making her jump "Hay... Don't worry, whatever happens, we can get Felix to use his rich powers to come get you and bring you back the first sight anything gets ugly, well also teach them all a lesson or two" Stacy giggled, she had the power to harm someone, emotionally, physically and there reputation if it were to happen, Mari was truly grateful to have her new friends "thank you" Mari smiled as Stacy pulled her into a hug "still mad they left us" the whole group laughed as Stacy pulled away with annoyance spelled across her face

Kaz looked at Mari "Would do you think about singing our new song" Both girls were shocked "Are you sure" The boys nodded "The song is about the heroes of Paris, Ladybug hasn't appeared in a month and to show our gratitude we made a song for her called" Kaz stood up "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG" he shouted with his hands in the air to intimidate ladybugs 'lucky charm' movement "I'll be honed to" Mari smiled as Stacy laughed and took a photo of his version of Ladybug.

A week went by, Mari did her fashion classes and by 3pm comes around she practiced the song with Kaz and Felix's help, all agreed the song sounded better in French, and Stacy and Leah made a background for the song as it was also gonna be recorded for the boy's progression with songwriting and able to accommodate to all languages, Mari also made a dress half Ladybug and half chat noir. The day arrives, everything is set in place and Mari stands in front of the camera with Felix at her side, doing some part of singing.

Both sang beautifully, with the song published online titled "Miraculous Made by Students of AAPOL"

(Pronouns apol the other a is silent)

Everyone was happy with their work and all went out to celebrate, a house nearby was having a party so everyone went to join them, staying up till 3am making waking up a challenge.

Mari walked out of her bedroom, wearing her cat-themed pjs and noticed Stacy on her phone with a coffee in her other hand "Good afternoon Mari" she chuckled "Erin is still asleep by the way" Mari nodded as she made herself a cup of tea "child, why do you even like tea" Mari looked at her with a offended look, Stacy looked back at her and laughed "well for your information, Stacy, tea is better then that devil of a drink they call coffee" both girls ended up laughing that got them shouted at by Erin as she was upset from being woken up "the devil has risen" Mari joked earnings a slap at the back of her head by Erin.

Mari looked at the calendar, it wasn't long untill the year finished and students got to go home to see their family, she was happy she got to go home, she missed her parents cooking, and from the sounds of what her parents were saying there bakery has gained some popularity from Jagged Stone being seen going to get food from them "seeing as your from Paris Mari, I would love to go down at some point and you can give us a little tour" Erin said daydreaming about Chat Noir "what so you can see and fantasies about that cat, it worse I have a bedroom next to you, god knows what you do if you see him" Erin's face went redder then Nathanial hair as the other girls laughed "s-shut up"

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