Back in Paris

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(This included the day Marinette left for London)

The students arrived at class and waited for the hair girl to show her face, Lila had gone up to Alya and told her Marinette had threatened to hurt her through a text message, this caused the class to be madder at the girl and waiting for her to arrive to release there stress in her.The class had just started when the door opened, everyone looked towards the door hoping to see the girl fall over from running but instead, Adrien walked through the door with red eyes "Sorry I'm late" he said weakly as he made his way to his seat next to Nino.


                                                                 (Nino, Adrian)     (Chloe, Sabrina)                                                                 (Alya, Lila)             (Max, Alex)                                                                 (Nath, Myléne)    (Rose, Juleka)                                                                 (Kim, Ivan)            (Marinettte)

The lesson was coming to an end and still no sign of her "Where is she" Alya said as Lila faked being nervous, a teacher walked into the room and went straight to Miss Bustier and whispered into her ear

The class looked at each other with confusion and then worry when Bustier's eyes looked down with sadness, the other teacher walked back out as Bustier looked back up and to her students"It has come to my attention that" she took a pause " Marinette has transferred to a different school and won't be returning"

Chloe, Nino, Rose, Juleka and Nath, were sad, and the others were angry she didn't tell them personally before she left "What the hell, she gets to leave like that and not tell you personally" Alya shouted as she stood up and slammed her hand onto the desk making the Nino Infront jump.

While the class was talking and being angry with Marinette, Adrian wasn't aware of what was going on, he was still upset over Ladybug telling him she was leaving, and she would still come back to help but not all the time.

Lila looked at Adrian and went to hug him "It's ok Adrian, she had to leave she was a danger to everyone" Adrian looked at her confused not hugging her back "What are you on about" Nino looked at him with confusion "did you not hear, Mari left...she isn't coming back" hearing this made him about to cry again "M-Marinette left"

(Hi, I'm very sorry for this taking longer them expected, I will try to get back on top of everything, thank you for the votes, I'm happy to see people like this)

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