Prologue: Part I

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     Rain softly pounded the roof of the many buildings of the city of Megapolis as the day started to drag along. A sparse group of people still roamed the streets and went into buildings to go about their busy days. One resident of this city kept inside, choosing to instead clean tabletops and make the last few orders of noodles before he closed his restaurant for the evening.

     This pig demon, Pigsy, watched as the last customers took their food and disappeared off into the streets and let out a soft sigh of... relief? Probably not, Pigsy loved his job with all of his heart and cherished his ability to cook due to the wise teachings from his grandmother, of course. But something about a handful of his customers that came around every now and again just seemed to tire him. That and the fact that he constantly had to stand on his two hooves might be a problem too. But that comes with the territory of owning an establishment, he believed, as he probably hasn't gotten used to the sheer amount of people who love his cooking this early on in his career.

     Pigsy stretched his back out for a moment, letting out yet another huff before exiting his kitchen to turn off the pink neon lights that hung outside his restaurant to close down. However, once he crossed the barrier between the dining area and his kitchen, he turned to hear faint, wet steps over the pitter-patter of the rain.

     Before he could reach the door, a figure rushed through the entrance, soaked with the downpour of rain that remained outside. The person didn't seem to notice the Pig demon standing there as they stood for a moment to breathe heavily, watching as they were safe from the cold and wet that rained down from the sky. Although, the same couldn't be said for Pigsy's poor floor as the stranger accidentally brought water in with their soaked clothes.

     The two stood there for another moment, caught up in both of their own issues before Pigsy cleared his throat, shattering the silence along with the figure's calmness.

"EEP!" The figure jumped as they turned around the source of the noise to see the pig demon standing there with his arms crossed and an annoyed look skewed across his face. Another beat of silence echoed between the two.

"U-... Sorry, are you uh, closed? I can leave, a-" The figure started before Pigsy bought a hoof up to gently silence them.

"Not closed yet, you actually just beat me to it. You're just..." He stopped, motioning his head towards the growing puddle under the stranger's feet which they also looked down to.

     They let out another, seemingly startled, noise and bowed deeply in apology to the store owner. "Oh! I am so, so sorry! I was just looking for a place out of the rain and-a-...! I can clean it up, I just-" They seemed to fumble around in place, which seemed to both slightly irritate Pigsy and make him even more curious about this new person at the same time.

"Bud, you're alright. I'll just grab a mop. How about you start off by taking off the cloak? That way less water will end up on the floor. I'll get you a towel too." Pigsy tried to calmly explain, turning to go grab the mop and towel as he had said.

     Yet Pigsy was still intrigued by this character. They didn't show their face, well at least not yet, but he still didn't recognize the person's voice. Of course, not everyone in Megapolis went to Pigsy's, but their sudden and clumsy entrance also confused him to no belief. Did something happen to them? They seemed to just want to get out of the rain, but there seemed to be more to their panic and slight relief to be inside.

Just who was this person?

    Pigsy returned with the mop and towel in hand to see the stranger had taken off the--almost black--purple cloak they had and folded it nicely to set it on the table. He noticed it must have also been wrung out due to how it wasn't leaving any water on the table as well.

     What he also noticed was the person under the shield of said hood. A human, a little bit shorter than himself, continued to stand there awkwardly as they wrung out some of the water left in their white hair. Their outfit consisted of a long, dingy sweatshirt, black pants, and no shoes, which Pigsy raised an eyebrow to.

     The human noticed Pigsy in the corner of their eye as they jumped up to stand straight in his line of sight.

"Oh! Uh-! I can mop it up, if- uh, if you would like..?" They smiled, most likely to get rid of the awkwardness and tension they felt in their body as they started to sway back and forth from their toes to their heels.

"No, no, kid, it's alright. I'll get it. You're free to sit wherever you want and I'll get some food, alright? Just dry up." He nodded at them, seeing as they stood in the same exact spot they'd been in since they got through the door, and tossed them a towel to dry off with.

      The stranger seemed surprised by this and simply gave a meek nod, opting to sit at one of the stools by the long, rectangular table by the entrance. They quietly dried their hair and clothes as Pigsy mopped up the water, the scenario being almost like a parent cleaning up a guilty child's mess.

     Pigsy huffed out yet another sigh as he finished cleaning the water up, putting it back in its rightful place before entering the kitchen, grabbing a bowl, and leaning on the table a spot beside where the human sat. He gently placed a bowl of noodles in front of them, making them pop up in surprise.

"On the house, kid. Don't worry about it." A soft smile was present on the demon's face as he spoke before the other could. "How about you just tell me your name and why you came rushing in here as you did?"

     The stranger looked back and forth between the bowl and Pigsy, seeming utterly surprised at the pig's kindness. "Oh, uh! You really don't have to, sir. I can pay-"

     Pigsy managed to contain an eyeroll, leaning against his hand on the table. "I know you don't have to; I just want to. Now, c'mon, spill."

     The other was still a little hesitant for a moment, starting to pick at their nails before they let out a resigned sigh.

"Jiǎohuá Yuè..." They spoke before staring off for a moment as they thought. They turned back to Pigsy with another gentle smile.

"But you can call me Callisto, sir."


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