Raktuselmalani (Fatara) (Fungus sentientis)

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Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Sentientis
The Raktuselmalani, Fatara, or Fungus sentientis, are a species of sentient living beings with various traits of fungi. They can understand and replicate human language, build various structures, cook various dishes, and forge armor and weaponry (despite being unable to use it).

Their natural habitats are forests in the temperate climate zone. They also sometimes live in parks. They do not migrate, unless the area that they live in undergoes a natural or man-made disaster.

For an unknown reason, they are invisible and intangible to all animals and most humans. The humans that they are visible to are usually children (although, children usually stop seeing Fungus sentientis when they grow up). Some adult humans can see them as well.

Whether a human sees or doesn't see Fungus sentientis is determined by their age and genetic code. Fungus sentientis are able to instantly analyze a living being's brain function, mental and physical age and development, and genetic code upon spotting it. It is unknown how they can do this.

They can also levitate and defy gravity. Some of them possess reality-bending powers.
The anatomy of Fungus sentientis is a combination of human and fungal anatomy. They are bipedal and have four limbs. They have two eyes at the front of their head and a small mouth with a tongue and flat teeth that can retract back into the jaws if necessary. They do not possess earlobes and hear through auditory openings.

They are mainly herbivorous and their diet consists of flowers, fruits, and mushrooms. They normally cook their food in various ways, such as boiling it or grilling it over an open fire.

Their size is usually way smaller than humans: the average Fungus sentientis is 30cm (1 foot) tall and weighs 5 kgs (10 lbs). They can grow to larger heights as well, although, their height never exceeds 90cm (3 feet) and their weight never exceeds 20 kgs (40 lbs).

Their organisms consist of neurons spread all across their bodies and a digestive system. They can also sustain themselves through photosynthesis, so, it is not necessary for them to consume food. They do not have a skeleton or a brain within their head. They cannot feel pain due to them lacking the nerves responsible for sending pain signals to the brain (or, in this case, the interconnected web of neurons spanning their entire bodies).

Their digestive system is unique in that they do not produce solid or liquid waste. After solid or liquid food is digested by their bodies, it exits their bodies through pores in the form of oxygen.

Their blood is semi-transparent and is of a light green color. Its chemical formula is more similar to the bodily fluids of a plant than the blood of an animal. It smells like plants and tastes bitter.

They cannot suffer from any diseases that humans suffer from. It is unknown what other diseases they can suffer from.

It is possible for Fungus sentientis to self-destruct in emergency situations or if extremely agitated (for example, agitated by food with a very strong flavor). During the self-destruct process, their blood becomes highly acidic, and it becomes an opaque slime rather than a semi-transparent liquid. When Fungus sentientis self-destruct, they splatter their surroundings with the slimy acidic blood.

Fatara are genderless and reproduce asexually through fragmentation: they can remove their body parts, which will develop into independent beings after a while. The parent Fatara will regenerate the lost body part soon after losing it (this process usually takes 1-7 days, the duration of the process depending on the age, size, and regeneration potency).
Fungus sentientis have their own language. They normally write on stone or wooden tablets.

Their language has terms for various worldly forces and elements, all of which are umbrella terms with many meanings, such as:

Reava (fire, high temperatures);
Reavana (smoke, steam, byproducts of burning, evaporation);
Karava (electricity, lightning);
Torina (water, rainfall, a body of water);
Alif (stones, mountains, rocky terrain);
Vira (plants, nature);
Rakata (air, wind, the sky);
Jana (decomposition, degradation, decadence, degeneracy, corruption);
Faro (ice, snow, low temperatures);
Viasa (throne, political power, political party).

Fungus sentientis have certain human beings who they hold to a high regard, such as:

-Nikolai Saranchevsky, a biologist, theologist, and failed politician. They refer to him as Raktuselm.
-Kyoko Kariyama. They refer to her as Viyardani.
-Ivan Krasnov, a businessman. They refer to him as Ivasa.
-Edelfried Zeitgeist, a politician, theologist, and pseudoscientific researcher. They refer to him as Anselm.
-The first emperor of Faustland. They refer to him as Zalmamdar.

They worship a god known as Mahatravetromenmoniam, also known as simply Enmon. Mahatravetromenmoniam's true identity is unknown, so is whether he really exists or not. They do not understand the concepts of human religions, and usually deny that Mahatravetromenmoniam is a god. Although, many of Mahatravetromenmoniam's traits described by Fungus sentientis make him similar to monotheistic deities in human religions.

They celebrate various holidays, normally tied to important dates in their history, such as the Ivakalai Festival, which celebrates the birthday of Ivan Krasnov. Their celebrations are similar to human celebrations, with various festival decorations, festive food, music, dancing, etc.

The Fungus sentientis do not have a centralized governmental structure, and many of them believe that the inhabitants of a land are all considered its rulers. However, others believe in a theocracy where a species is ruled by a being from a more advanced species, and the species worships its ruler.

They build primitive structures in their habitats with various purposes. These purposes include: inhabitation (various types of houses), storage (warehouses and storage rooms), religious ceremonies (sanctuaries and temples), etc.

Fungus sentientis have their own cuisine. Dishes included in their traditional cuisine do not include any kind of animal products (such as meat, milk, or eggs), salt, sugar, or spices. The dishes are usually made out of various plants and plant parts (leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits, vegetables, berries, etc.) and mushrooms. Most of their dishes do not include cereals (known as Bizarravira in their language) due to them not knowing how to process it to create flour, however, some dishes do include them.

Fungus sentientis do not have romantic relationships or families in their society (one of the main reasons is their asexual reproduction). However, they do have friendships and social interactions with each other.

They have a culture of collective labor, all working together to sustain their society. They do not have a concept of private property, and they believe that such a thing as private property doesn't exist, as the world belongs to all its inhabitants, and trying to privatize any part of it is an evil act that goes against worldly laws. They also do not have a concept of currency, and believe that a person should collect all of the things that they need themselves. If they cannot do so, they should exchange goods for one another.

Additional Information
Fungus sentientis are inspired by the Aranara, a fictional species from a video game called Genshin Impact.
The name Raktuselm is another name used for the Egyptian god Ra.
Fungus sentientis are obsessed with pseudoscience and religious theses. They find human science boring (and cannot comprehend most of it).
The Fatara language's writing is based on the written language seen in the Voynich manuscript. The words, phonetics, and grammar of the language itself are a combination of the following languages: Sanskrit, Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, Latin, and Russian.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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