Chapter 5: We Belong

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We stayed at the convention for a bit, wandering around and buying things that we didn't necessarily need. We left after awhile because Megan said she "was tired and desperately needed her beauty sleep cuz models need all the beauty sleep they can get".

Im 1000% sure it was because of her shoes, she just didn't want to admit that, like always, I was right and she was wrong. If there's one thing Megan hates more than assholes who can't park right its admitting that she's wrong.

When we made it into the parking lot she started to stumble, "Having shoe trouble Megan?" I asked in a smart ass tone of voice.

"No." She replied harshly.

I turned my head away from her, desperately trying to conceal my hidden laughter.

Another thing Megan hates is when people laugh at her, which is totally understandable, but sometimes she can be pretty hilarious.

By now she was swaying and limping.

I sighed and took out the pair of flats I had snuck into my bag before we left for the convention.

I set the guitar down and threw the flats at Megan's feet. Her cold stare quickly turned into a smile as she kicked her heels off and wiggled her feet into the more comforting shoes I had brought for her.

"Was is that obvious?" She asked.

I grinned "Remember that time we went to Devin's party and you got so wasted that the next day you woke up in an alley way next that old guy who wore underwear on his head?"

She nodded then groaned.

"Well you were walking the same way to the car as you did away from that guy." I finished.

She laughed, "Oh my gosh. I looked like a retard!".

I threw my head back in laughter and picked up her heels as we continued through the maze of cars that filled the parking lot.

After five minutes we finally found our car on the very edge of the lot, which dribbled onto the highway.

We hopped in and drove to my house, where we would greet our beds with open arms.

Normally, It would've taken us about an hour to get home, but because of the traffic we got home in about two.

When we made it home we immediately changed into our jammies (yes I still say jammies, fuck off) and went straight to bed. Before going to bed I had remembered that jensen wrote something on the guitar before giving it to me. I quickly climbed out of bed and walked over to the black leather case I had set on my desk. I opened the latches and pulled out the beautiful object that laid inside.

It was a bit dark so I turned on the lamp and began reading the words that Jensen had written on the hard wooden surface of the guitar.

"Keep singing, you sound amazing.
Is it weird that I really wanna see you again? Because I do, I really do. I can't give you my number, after all, I barely know you, but lets hope fate brings us together again.

P.S. Your super adorable (if you didn't already know that"

At this point my face was tomato red and my heart seemed to stop. I ran my hand along the writing.

Was Jensen perhaps falling for me?

He said he had wanted to see me again, was that a sign?

I sighed dreamily, jumped onto my bed, and began to sing:

"We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder

We belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under

Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better

We belong, we belong
We belong together..."

A/N: PLEASE READ THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: Hiya guys! I finally updated after soooo long! But ya know it took me a little more than I thought it would to toss that stupid ass ring into the fires of moordoor, but hey im back! Did you know that hobbits enjoy listening to beyonce? But then again who doesn't?! Anyways, this long ass authors note has a purpose. I wanted to tell you guys about the girl in the picture. She's who I think perfectly interprets Leah. Leah isn't a supermodel, in fact, she doesn't even have a great body. Unlike any of the other fanfictions, Leah is a cute and chubby nerd who dreams of doing pretty much everything and anything!not a supermodel looking girl who ends up acting on supernatural and meets the actors and eventually ends up marrying one of the cast members.... NOPE.
This fanfiction will be as unpredictable as your mothers fashion taste... SO KEEP READING. CapnKayKay out! *drops mic*

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