Chapter 8: Text Text

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Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

I reached for my phone, but my hands suddenly stopped moving. A thousand "What if?" Questions raced through my mind. I shook my head.
"Nope, not gonna check it." I said as I started out the door.

I glanced at the phone once more, "...Damnit."

Picking up my phone with shaky fingers I slowly opened his message, "What's up, Lee! How's it hangin?"


I eased up and started typing "Its going great, you?... Oh, and Lee...?" I hesitantly sent the text and awaited a response.

I dont know why, but getting a text from him suddenly made me feel a lot comfortable. I breathed a sigh of relief "its ok, Leah..." I said to myself.

A loud annoying 'Cling' brought me back to reality.

I read the text, "Im fabulous, thanks for asking..." Followed by another "and yeah, figured I give you a nickname, since 'Leah' is a pretty long name 😂"

At this moment I probably would've sent back, "You wanna know what else is long? ;3" but I only say those kinds of things to Megan and it would not have helped this situation.

I giggled at that and replied, "How is 'Leah' a long name? Doesn't it only have four letters?"

A few moments later I received another text, "I have a problem, alright?! 😂"

I laughed, "😂"

"So, are you doing anything later?"

I froze.

"No, not really..." I replied, hoping and praying that he wouldn't ask me to go on a date with him.


"Well, would you maybe want to get some coffee?"

I guess the good lord decided to toss my prayers in the trash...
It's not that I don't want to go on a date with him, it's just that... It's my first and only REAL date. Yes, I've never been on a date. Grow up. Dates aren't exactly my forte, their more of an issue for me. What would I do? What would I say?


"I mean, if you want to..."

Without thinking, I sent a text. A text that I absolutely regret sending. A text that defies all logic (well, my logic anyways), "Sure, coffee sounds great"

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