Chapter 13

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Auden took a sip of her wine and listened to the sounds of sultry jazz filtering through the speakers. One was centered on the corner electric fireplace. It didn't actually give off any heat, because in Tampa, it wasn't really needed, even in the dead of winter. It was decorative, and a gift from Muse when she learned that he was moving into a new home over the weekend. She'd gone out to a Home Depot or Lowe's and had purchased it on a whim. She was like that, and picked the nicest one she could before making Clay bring it over in the back of one of the SUVs. She'd gone out of her way and taken the larger vehicle, even if she wasn't a fan of driving it. The other speaker was on a corner table on the opposite side of the room, and it gave off the effect that she was being swamped in the lilting tones of some of the best jazz singers ever known to man.

Auden was a fan of any relaxing music, and she was feeling warm and a little buzzed as she drank her second glass of wine. Jim had a bucket with one more bottle on ice in case she wanted more. A bottle opener was placed close by as well.

Throughout dinner, Jim and Auden had talked, but it had been light, a little about her relationship with Marietta, and some about his family, including his precocious little niece, who'd recently celebrated her birthday. He talked about the birthday party she'd had, but skipped over what else he'd done that week. It was almost pointedly so, and Auden was a little suspicious about his reticence. She waved it off since she figured he was probably getting lucky or hooking up as his form of vacation recreation.

Now, they were sitting in his living room after dinner, both of them full of pasta and listening to music in between sips of wine and comfortable but brief snatches of conversation.

"What made you move to Tampa, Auden?"

She faltered at his question, and didn't honestly know how to respond to him ay first. "It was a number of things, really. I needed a change of scenery. I was bored with my job, I'd had a series of bad luck, and my mother and father were being a bit overbearing. I decided to see if there was anything for me near my Aunt Mary, and she said they were looking for more clerks at CBC. I applied online and was called back within a week. No biggie. I figure even if I didn't find a new job in a new place, at least I got to see Aunty Mary. Plus, my name would be out there and I'd get some practice with interviews. They say you should do that regularly just in case. You make a better impression with regular application, and you never know what awaits you in the future. You might even find a better job that way. At any rate, it never hurts to have experience being interviewed so you learn to be less nervous."

Jim agreed. "While I can't say I do the same, I completely understand why you would. I think it's that I just can't imagine working anywhere but at CBC. I'm so used to it and love the people and the energy. I originally went to school for business, which makes me a good aide to Clay, because I not only know how business works, but how he does. It's a benefit most definitely, and I thank my lucky stars that I met him when I did."

"How did you meet Clay?" It felt weird calling him that, but her employer had insisted on it, at least when they weren't in front of clients and had to remain professional.

"School," Jim answered before taking a sip of his wine. "We went to high school together. He was a troubled child, even in his early teens. I think his parents blamed it merely on normal teen angst, but I knew right away it was different. He was different. An only child and lonely, raised by your Aunt Mary, for the most part. His parents had very little to do with his upbringing, and though he was close with your aunt, he had very little respect for Clay Junior and his mother. He was merely an heir to them, though I think that's changed since he started running CBC for them. They haven't become that much closer yet, but as they say, it's a work in progress. At least they're trying, you know?"

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