3rd person view of nixs life

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nixs moning routines started with rolling outta bed when the first train flew over his aparment on the south side korea its a small aparment but notherless was it his,he next would walk across his apparment into the bathroom stripping his clothes off tiredly and slowly he would turn and look at himself in the mirror before turning to his shower and turning the hot water on and stepping in without a flinch or hesitance he would soon step out of his shower and walk back out of his bathroom then would grab his clothes {his whole wordrobe only consisted of band t-shirts and sweats,sum skinny jeans ,he owned 4 hoodlies one was the mans befor his death and he wore it on most days .} nix would rushingly step into his black skinny jeans and his sentemental black hoodie ,he would slide his feet into his brokedown rebock shoes he would flip his wet hair out of his face and pulled it into a bun before dashing out the door  down the alley and to his low class barely paying minium wage  job .  Nix dashed throught the gas station door running behind the counter and clocking in barely a miniute of being on time he would sigh before popping in his headphones then unlocking his phone and clicking twentyone piolets.putting it on shuffle as he grabbed the broom and began to sweep listeninhg to the rythem of the music through his head .

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