high school

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Everybody thinks high school is the best part of their life, that it will be like being in a movie, that they will meet so many great people, that a guy will help them carry around their books and then they'll kiss...

I thought that too for a long time of my life, but it turns out I was wRoNg. So wrong, you don't even know.

So, first day of school, I was a nervous wreck, I didn't know anyone in my class, except for this, like, really fake girl who told me I was her best friend all summer long, and then she didn't even say hi to me at school... well nevermind, where were we? Oh right

So I arrived on the first day of school and I was so nervous, like I don't really know what actually. I greeted everyone and then stayed there waiting for our teacher to arrive... just like that, you get it? No very good looking boys, no friendly girls who ask you if you're nervous too, nothing. And there, I was already questioning myself if staying here like an idiot was worth it.

Then the teacher arrived, and brought us to this really big room full of seats and with a stage, and there was the principal (the REAL principal), and she made a speech and blablabla. But that isn't what I'm here to talk to you about, no. It's the faces of the other students, the older ones. It was kinda a mixture: some people had this face that clearly said "no, don't, run for your life now that you still have time" (which also rhymes btw); others were like looking at us with this really sweet face that was like "you got this don't worry. we have your back" (thank you all); and then, last but not least, the absolute worst: the ones that were whispering "oh my gooooood, look at how tiny they are".

Now, I'm thirteen, first of all, not 2. And second *inheal* I'M LITERALLY TALLER THAN YOU YOU IDIOT. One even had the nerve to say, after her friend cleverly pointed out that some of us were taller than her, "it's the look in their eyes: that bright innocent look in their eyes"

I really don't know what to say. She was probably right, but man, hearing that you're tiny on your first day of school isn't the best, right?

Then there was the latin and ancient greek teacher: an adorable woman with black hair (even if now it's like somewhere between red and purple), with a really sweet voice and weird accent who told us about how latin sucks and we were probably going to hate it, but how on the other hand greek is amazing and she hoped we would love it just as much as she does. Thank you, really, I love ancient greek.

Then the monster, the one you should really fear, the one you will hardly get a B with (which I got this week): the math teacher. She doesn't look and sound as lovely as the latin and greek teacher does, but that's fine; it's when she said that she didn't care if we weren't good in math, we had to, or else we wouldn't pass the year, and stuff like that. When she enters the class, we all shut up, fearing who will be the next to die (or get a D, they're the same).

This was my first day of school summed up, not that you care, but don't worry, there's more, I promise.


But but but... there's a but: at first I said that in real life you don't meet any great people, but that's not true. I mean, I have some friends, not many, but I do have friends. But there are these girls, and here where I am we call them chickens (I think it's because when they talk about gossip, or even anything actually, their voices sound like chickens), and they are odious. They have to know everything that happens, when it happens, how it happens, to WHO, I think this is the most important thing... and they know everyone, like, hOw CaN a PeRsOn KnOw EvErYoNe?

Bah, and the guys in my class aren't even that good looking, I mean. To be honest, not even the guys in the other classes are THAT good looking, but always better.

*thinking* I'll have to casually bump into one of them one of these days...

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