pic of me and my dolly at school

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Hey friendsss!!!!

today i will show u



me and m



at school :^D

this photo was taken yesterday 😴

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i drew on my school ID because I don't want yall to figure out what school I go to by the ID's school logo

I'm gonna draw on the picture I just shred with yall

the dolly that I'm holding, has been with me for 13 YEARS. Ye, 13 years. This year, it will be its 14th year still being with me, and still being kept :^D

I've hugged this dolly throughout my childhood days, I really liked bringing it around with me 💗

Intent almost killed somebody at school, I mean, the person that Intent was about to beat up DID KINDA DESERVE IT.

Cause there was this dude annoying me and my besties (smh what a loner!?! Imagine needing to annoy a group of friends that aren't interested in you at school because you're such a loner!) and, GOD HE WAS SOOOO ANNOYING!! I guess I can also say some of us gets bullied by him idk.

He's homophobic.. he's racist too, and he also says the N word to me and my besties. He's.. also a umm.. A N4Z1. If you know what it means.. y'know.. the.. the hitler guy the.. nevermind

So he did deserve some little beat up from Intent. I hated the guy too, I wanna put a curse on him 😒

God, it must be soooooooo sad being such a loner 'cause you're such a jerk that you annoy people just so you can get attention, smh to that dude who keeps annoying me and my friends.

(We already reported the guy about his actions to us to our parents, my adviser was informed of the dude, even though the annoying guy isn't my classmate. But we were told to go to the Principal's office at Monday to talk about what other actions the guy has done to us. I hope the guy gets expelled at school, my friends and I can't handle with a creep following us around and annoying us. Or at least he gets a warning, and change. But I don't think the annoying guy would be able to change even getting a warning of his actions towards us.)

but yesterday's intrams was also nice, John took pics of himself with demons at the horror booth 💗

slay 💗💗💗💗

we were also chilling at the canteen before we went to the minipark!
With Jeremiah the chicken!!

we were also chilling at the canteen before we went to the minipark!With Jeremiah the chicken!!

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I'll make a chapter soon of me and my 2 besties together, BEFORE it was intramurals. We were supposed to paint, but other painters, and the propsmen weren't there. So me, Vie/Vera, and John were the only painters in a empty classroom with bamboo props that were prepared for dancers to practice for the last day of intramurals.

here's one of the photos, its just my shoe up in the air lol it was really nice laying on the floor of the silent, empty, emo classroom

here's one of the photos, its just my shoe up in the air lol it was really nice laying on the floor of the silent, empty, emo classroom

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my legs flexible (but not that flexible lol)

shoe up in the air

we did squats while holding hands together, we looked like we were summoning a creature too in the classroom, but then we saw a person outside the classroom so we stopped the squat summoning lol 😭

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