Reasons behind the tragedy

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Ava POV-
2 years earlier

I scratched where the scars were ~you should have given up the second you stepped into this house~ one voice said ~he's right you know you can't even go a day with out losing your mind and soon enough they will notice~ "SHUT UP!" I yelled at the voices that couldn't be seen I grab a blade and begin to cut up and down my arm I go for my throat but then the door flies open "honey wha-" my mom says she removes the blade and grabs her phone 30 minutes later she comes back in with 2 men "honey.......these men are here to take you somewhere" she says I begin to start crying now "m-mom don't let them take me" I say as the men grab me up I grab onto my moms shirt "DONT LET THEM TAKE ME THERE NO!" I begin to kick and punch I feel a pinch in my neck and everything turns black


Ava POV-
I look out the window and watch the rain fall it was a Sunday and on Sunday's it either rains or snows a bit "and Ava how do you feel today how has your week been?" A lady says we were in the "feelings room" where we have to talk about how we feel today and how our week has been we all sit in a circle and do this "shit....." I said with a cold tone and looked back out the window I then here a slight giggle from a guy sitting in a corner "ahh Tyler Joseph" the people all look confused as well as I "people this man has been here for 1 year and you still don't know him yet........I guess he isn't the type to be that social" she says I look over and I make eye contact with him he gives me a smirk and I quickly turn back to the window "now Ava you have to tell us how you feel okay?" She says I look her in the eyes "it's been shit that medicine you give me doesn't help what so ever it just made me sleepy I even stopped taking it completely my roommate is a fucking pedophile so it's just doing FUCKING dandy" I say and look out the window as the rain stopped "you mean the medicine doesn't help with blurryface and paranoiac?" She says " and I'd like for you not to refer to them as their names I have given them just call them voices please....."I say "sorry have you stopped harming yourself at least?" She asks "kinda" I say and show her my 4 week old scars "please don't do that your-" she says I get up and head to the door "where are you going?" She asks "I don't need pity from the likes of you" I say and storm out and head to the music room

A/n hey sorry this is so short of you are looking for a longer story I made another one kinda like this so you can go check that out I'll see you guys later ba bye

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