Chapter 5

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Ava POV-
2 days later
woke up in my room facing the celling I rolled over and put my bare feet on the cold steel floor I got to my desk that they had put in there and put 2 books one for drawing and one for writing and a box of mechanical pencils and a box of colored pencils and three books to read I got out my writing one and grabbed a mechanical pencil out of the box and began to write I wrote down a song I titled it March to the sea I put my book back and went down to my big treasure chest full of my new make up and clothes they told me now was the time that I could have real clothes instead of the plain old white outfit they gave me my picking of clothes and make up and shoes I had 4 pairs of shoes 10 shirts 10 shorts and 6 pairs of pants and some bra and underwear I picked out my stuff and laid it on the other empty bed after my roommate......well after that I was alone no one was there I liked it that way though I put my make up on my desk with a round little mirror next to it I pulled my treasure chest to the desk (that rhymed) and began to put the make up on not that much of course I then slipped on my clothes and put on a beanie I went out and found people going down and up the hall with their new clothes on I half smiled I heard my name being called from down the hall and looked over it was that girl I helped I found out her name was Debby she walked over to me "you like?" She said twirling around in her dress I smiled "I love" I say and give her a hug she seems much better now "you look lovely yourself" she says I smile "why thank you m'lady" I bow and earn a chuckle from her we walk to the cafeteria and spot Josh and Tyler sitting together we both walk over there after we became friends Debby and Josh also became close friends after the kiss between Tyler and I......nothing nothing had happened between us I didn't know if he didn't like it or if he didn't know if I liked it I thought I was into it and showed him I was but I hoped he knew "hey" Debby and I say "hello ladies nice clothes" Tyler says doing finger guns he was wearing a white shirt and black skinny jeans with floral vans and Josh was wearing a blue shirt and black skinny jeans and black vans "thank you kind sir" I say Debby sits by Josh and I sit by Tyler we make small talk about the clothes and everything that has happened in just 2 days I how ever stayed silent not wanting to cause any trouble or anything I feel a warmth come over my hand and I look down to see Tyler's hand on mine he smiles while talking not even looking at me I smile and look back down I squeeze it not wanting to let go we all get up and Debby and Josh go somewhere and leave me and Tyler alone "hey Ava?" He says "yeah?" "Well I asked one of my counselors and they said that we have 1 month then we all are free to go all meaning Debby Josh you and me" he says and looks down at his flowery shoes "yes and?" I say "are you want to.......a-After we get out of here would you like to stay with me and maybe be my girlfriend?" He says the last part so fast I thought he was rapping again "ah-I would love that Tyler!" I say and hug him he is caught off guard by my response and hugging him and falls back on his butt we ended up in the back place where there are flowers and grass everywhere so luckily he didn't get hurt that bad cause the grass helped him a bit "r-really" he says and I pull away only inches from his face "oh course" I say and peck him on the lips "Ava?" He says as we begin to walk back to his room "hmm?" I hum lightly "do you mind staying the night I don't really wanna be alone tonight and I really enjoy your company" he says as he is opening up his door "oh I would love to but what...what about your roommate" I say "oh I don't have one he uh.....yeah so I'm all alone" he says and I step in with him I sit on his bed and pat the spot next to me I take off my shoes and crawl into bed I get under the covers and Tyler follows he holds me to his chest and after a couple of minutes we are both asleep before falling asleep I heard him say softly "I love you"

{end of chapter 5}

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