Connor Kenway - "forced" (gender neutral)

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Just some comfort from the much loved Connor Kenway. Stated as gender neutral since there are no pronouns used for reader <3 Enjoy :)

"It's happening and that's final!" Your father walked away from you. You looked over at your mother for help but she avoided eye contact.


"I am sorry my love." She got up from her seat going after her husband.

You wanted to get married. But not to someone you don't like, someone you don't know. It was a dream of yours. Married, have a house for yourself, since whenever you did date someone, much to your fathers disapproval, they would stay with you with your parents only just two rooms down. You wanted someone to care for you. Love you.

You always did have someone in mind, but your father never likes the idea of him. Saying he is bad trouble. But he was a sweet boy. So innocent, but always willing to help as much as he could. He would even occasionally help you carry your freshly picked vegetables from your garden.

So you decide to go to him.


You hand knocked against the front door of the large house. You hoped he was home.

"Y/n?" He opened the door.

"Connor." A few tears brimmed your eyes, his own eyes widened. He was confused, but also unsure of what he should do, remembering back to what Achilles said - 'invite them in. Be a kind host.'

"Y/n. Please come in, it's getting dark." Not that there was anything bad in the dark, especially in this area, but anyone should know to let their crush inside at that time. Show you care. He walked backwards giving room for you to come in, he had a large frame, something you would stare at when you came over for tea and watched him clean up the yard. Seeing his muscles strain against the random shirt he chose from his questionable closet.

You shuffled inside, walking over to where the fire place was, sitting on one of the chairs. Your hands shook as you tried to warm them up as best as you could.

You saw Connor walk about to you, kneeling in front you. He held your hands in his, his warmth beating you up quickly. You let out a sigh, leaning your head on the bundle of hands between you both.

"They want me to marry." Connor stayed silent, wanting to hear more before he judged the situation. "I don't even know him. But I suspect he is a Templar. Father is always hanging around them." You sniffled, pushing your head up to look at Connor.

He gave a soft smile, rubbing his thumbs over your hands. Of course, he wanted to be the one that stood at the end of the aisle. The one that kissed you, and carried you out of the church. The one to make love to you, and give you everything you need and want in this world.

"Maybe something good will come out of this." He tried to reason with you, but he knew he was trying to reason with his own voice in his head as well. Oh, how he wanted to keep you safe and warm. You let out a sob, removing your hands from his and wrapping your arms around his neck.

He did not know what to do at first, unsure on how he should react, but his hands slowly moved around your waist, holding you tight against him.

"We sleep tonight. And in the morning, we shall decide." He muttered, picking you up so your legs were around him, taking you up the stairs to his room.

His bed was small, which was funny because he was such a big man, but he laid down sideways, pulling your back into his chest. He placed a soft kiss to your head, only loosely having his arms around you, so then you had space to move around. But he doubted it would stay like that. Other times you had stayed over and snuck into his room, he ended up holding you tight against his chest or your would end up snuggling into him. He smiled at the thought.

If it is true what you said, that the man you are meant to marry is a Templar, he doubts he will ever see you again, you would be taken far away from here. It surprised him how willing your father was to see you off. He remembered when you both first met when you were around 16, your father was already looking for men.

For now, he closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of your breathing.


'Dear Connor,

I regret to inform you that my father has made the wedding for today.

Once you are reading this I am most likely walking down the aisle.

Do make sure Achilles has his breakfast.



Connor scrunched up the paper, getting into his robes and grabbing his bow.

He needed to collect food for the house, since it's getting close to winter, he wouldn't be going out as much, plus stores would be closed.

He walked through the forest that stood near his home, not making a sound as he approached a deer. He held the bow up, steadying his hands, before shooting the arrow. He watched as the deer slowly fell to the ground.

His head turned as he heard the sound of stick snapping and then running footsteps. He looks around, gripping another arrow, holding his bow up.

He lowered is as he noticed someone in white running towards him.

'Y/n?' He thought, putting away his bow and arrow.

"Connor! Connor!" You ran through mud puddles, jumping over small bushes, occasionally tripping and nearly face planting. Connor just stood there, he thought he was dreaming until he felt you jump on top of him, both of you falling to the ground. His arms wrapped around you protectively letting out a grunt as his back hit the first floor.

"Y/n? What about your wedding." You smile down at him your legs on the sides of his waist, your hands hold the side of his face. You grin at him, letting out a laugh. How he loved your laugh.

"I ran out!" You started to laugh louder. He shook his head letting out a chuckle.

"You always amaze me." One of his hands came up to hold your cheek, rubbing his thumb on your skin. "What would your father think?" He smiled at you.

"Fuck him!"

"That is some foul language, y/n." You shook your head, Connor leaned up, your noses rubbing against each other before pressing his lips against yours. "To think you were meant to kiss another man today." He muttered against your lips.

You smiled into the kiss. You were happy, you thought to yourself, it felt like all bad things in the world had left.

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