Rebecca Crane - "love from another time" (male reader)

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Requested by @wandering_samurai ,  male reader, fluff? There is a bit of time jumping otherwise it would've been a bit messy. Enjoy :)

"When will he wake up?" Shaun whispered.

"Patience. He is in a coma." Rebecca replied, doing a check of vital signs. "The Apple of Eden is out there, as well as Templar's. Everyone is trying to find it. He must know something about this." She looked over at Rita, who bit at her nails, humming in reply.

"We must find it before them. And you are correct he would definitely know something." Rebecca nodded at Rita, looking over at everyone else.

You could clearly hear them talking, annoyed that you could not notify them about the Templar's. You wished to wake up, this is your job. You must get the Apple of Eden before them.


Your eyes blinked, adjusting to the light. Groaning you tried to sit up, your body not letting you, straps holding your arms down. You tried to wiggle out, sighing in defeat.

"Apologies. I was not sure how you would react in such a new setting." A woman stepped forward, a soft smile on her face. "I am Rebecca, I would love to get to know you better."

"The Templar's. They tried to get the Apple of Eden-" Rebecca held a hand up to stop you.

"I figured. It has been hard to find the Templar's, as well as The Apple of Eden. I admire your courage." She walked forward undoing the straps that were wrapped around your arms. "I assumed you might know where they could be?"

"Where am I?" She sighed, rubbing her temple.

"You are in the 21st century. A lot do things have happened." She mentioned what had happened so far in the world, some of which you knew about, from the time you came from, but most of it being new information. The Templar's were on the rise again, trying to get more recruits. "I did not want to assume where you had come from, so I have left your file blank."

"My file?" She nodded in reply. Picking up a paper and pen. "The war-"

"Hmm." Rebecca wrote on her paper. "I will leave you to rest." She got up and left.

You shifted your legs to the side of the bed, taking a big breath before standing up. Your legs wobbled a bit. Your hands gripping into the bed.

'Okay. Bad idea.' You thought. You used the bed as leverage to walk, moving to the wall afterwards.


Rebecca found herself drifting off into a day dream about the new male in the facility. His accent, the way he worded his sentences, how he listened to her with so much enthusiasm.

"Hey!" Shaun snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Did you hear me? I said the new guy is kind of annoying."

"Mmm" she replied still not paying attention to the man beside her.

"You like him? Don't you?" Shaun's face reddened. He hated having competition, he was always trying to get Rebecca's attention, but now that you came, you got her attention almost immediately. "Look at him." He pointed over at you, looking at the windows of food. "Doesn't even know what a sausage roll is." Shaun and everyone else laughed, but Rebecca was too focused on watching you. If it were someone else, she might've laughed with them, trying to fit in. But you, you were different. She wanted to know you more, wanting to spend more time with you.

She watched as you politely asked the cook for something different, you presumed he asked for some sort of omelet since that is what you had been asking for, for days now.

She would make you an omelet, she thought.


"Okay okay, how about this song." Rebecca played a song, the base loud, and the guitar strumming quickly.

You grimaced but smiled at her afterwards.

"This is like the other ones, my love." You spoke, trying to work out how to turn the music off.

"They are clearly different." Shaun scoffed form the other side of the room. You looked at him, a frown on your face.

"Why do you act like this?" You questioned, unsure of why Shaun had started to act so bitter towards you.

"You wouldn't understand." He got up and left, slamming the door being him. You looked at Rebecca, eyes wide.

"Did I say something wrong?" She shook her head, giving a soft smile.

"No no, he is just sensitive. Here what about this one?" She played another song, the beat very similar. A person started to sing, they had a loud and scratchy voice.

"Oh god no." You shook your head chuckling. You did not like the music taste that Rebecca had very much but you found it enjoyable to watch her get excited over certain songs and singers, bopping her head to the beat, and singing along with them.

She looked at you, laughing with you.


"She has been a lot happier since he has come here." One of Shaun's friends stated, he nodded in reply.

"I guess so. It still hurts though." He watched as you both laughed, Rebecca giving you a small kiss on the cheek as she stood up to get some food.

"I would be happy for her if I was you. If you love her, you will let her go." His friend reasoned with him. He hummed in agreement.

You watched as Rebecca talked to the chef, your head turned to see Shaun looking at you. Much to your surprise he offered a smile, which you gladly returned.


You watched as Rebecca laid out all the pieces of Eden, everyone around the table sighing.

"Does this mean the war is over?" Shaun questioned, his arms crossed over his chest.

"To an extent." Rebecca replied, you nodded at her response.

"Yes we have collected these pieces, but we must keep an open mind and eye. The templars could return again. Even as we speak, they could be plotting something. But for now, we may rest." Shaun gave you a nod.

"Nicely said." Rebecca whispered in your ear, giving your back a small rub.

"It is what our ancestors would of said." You smiled down at her, placing a small kiss to the top of her head.

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