Ch.11 A Love To Die For

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Aastro groaned. He absolutely hated paperwork. Why? No reason. He just did. But promised Mara that he would get the paperwork done so that she could get to baking the grand cake for Cassian's coronation.

"SERBOT, come here." I said with a bit of sass at the end. I thought I heard the bot sigh. He reluctantly came over to me. "Yes, sir?" He said it in a leave-me-alone voice. "Do you know how to do paperwork?"
"Yes, sir. Why?"
"Can you do these?"
The bot looked like it wanted to do the equivalent of a human wanting to die.
"Yes. I will have them done immediately..."
I grunted as I got up to leave the room.  It has been a few weeks since we first got here and I just started getting familiar with the endless halls and dead ends. SERBOT sighed.
"She's in the lower kitchen, sir"
"Ah okay thanks"
I closed the door and at once began to sprint towards the lower kitchen. If I had been told that yesterday I wouldn't of understood. I just recently found out that the palace had 4 kitchens. I slid down the railing of the stairs and bolted for the kitchen entrance. I majestically opened the doors.
"The prince has arrived!"
"The prince of laziness?"
Mara joked as she came around the corner.
"You're no fun"
" I know, luv"
I looked around the kitchen for the cake. I had been told no one could see it but her. But I have since been looking for ways to catch a glimpse of this majestic cake. Mara stopped me in my tracks.
"No way, Aastro boy"
"Yes way, Mara girl"
We chatted for a while until we herd a small crack and a voice gasp. I quickly opened the door... no one. Strange.
"Who is it?"
"No one?"
We stood in confused silence for awhile. I suddenly remembered a topic I had been wanting to talk to her about. I turned to her and lowered my voice.
"Have you thought of...when to leave?"
"Not really, why?"
"We should leave soon"
"I agree"
"After the coronation?"
"After the coronation"
"But when we leave..."
"You won't remember anything, I know"
"I don't want to forget"
"That's why we have to leave this world"
"And never come back?"
"I mean, not frequently"
"So the night the coronation happens?"
"Yes, right after"
I grunted in response . I love The Point Of Salvation( that's where the castle is) but I don't feel like is right to stay.
"When's the coronation?"
Mara looked at the electronic calendar behind her. Her finger grazed the screen as it went to the assigned date.
"November 18th"
"'s the 12th"
Mara's eyes lit up with sudden realization. She thought they had more time to plan. Then again they did spend  a lot of time together just talking about planning the coronation. Mara's eyes landed on Aastro. They were full of fear and concern.
Just then, SERBOT came in. He was about to say something but quickly  shut his mouth, seeing that he interrupted something.
"What is it, SERBOT?"
"Well, the papers are done..."
SERBOT shuffled nervously.
"His Majesty would like to talk to you in the meeting room"
I looked at Mara. Mara looked at me. It had been a very long while since we had seen Cassian.
"Okay, we'll be right over"
SERBOT bowed and quickly left. He could be heard o it side the door muttering to himself
"So much to do, so much, little time, no time...shame shame shame"
I took Mara's hand and we walked up the stairs. The closer we got the more the empty pit in my stomach grew. "
I tightened my grip.
We were at the door to the meeting room.
I opened the door and saw Cassian sitting on the largest chair of the table.
"Ah there you are, Aastro!"
I saw Mara's face shift a little from him not recognizing her presence.
"Sit down sit down! We have much to talk about!" He was as lively me energetic as when we first met him.
I sat across from him with Mara at my side. She gave me a suspicious glance.
"How's all the preparations?"
"Paperwork's done. Decorations are up. And the cake is almost ready."
"Wonderful! Who made the cake?"
"Mara did"
He seemed to pause a little. He looked at Mara with an unenthusiastic look.
"Oh. Well thank you"
"No problem, Cassian"
She basically had to force herself to say that. Cassian ignored it and went back to talking to me.
"How's SERBOT serving you?"
"Very well"
"I see... Good thing for sure. He was about to be decommissioned"
"Yes! He wasn't working very well"
"Isn't that like... murder?"
"Not really. His consciousness is still there"
"If you say so"
Cassian seemed annoyed with the question. He didn't like the conversation at all. He dismissed it with his hand.
"Anyways! Have you gotten the suit I sent you to wear for my coronation?"
"Yes, but Mara and me both think it's better if we wear something different"
Cassian got mad. And I mean maaaaad.
"No! No! No! You wear what I want!"
"But it doesn't match Mara-"
"N. O. "
Cassian boomed his voice. Mara had it. She stood up and took me by the arm to the door.
"Where do you think you're going?!"
"To prepare the cake. Talk to us when you have some sense in you!"
Mara slammed the door shut.
Mara put her hand on her nose bridge. She sighed. She looked up at Aastro.
"I'm so sorry I-"
I pulled her in softly. Our lips touched. She stiffened but slowly relaxed into the kiss. It was nothing more or nothing less than a loving kiss. After a few minutes I pulled away just enough so our noses were touching.
"God I love you"
Mara laughed. She was very much flustered.
"I love you too, my Aastro boy"


Heya peeps!
I'm back and much better.
I wrote this before I published it so if the title says something like:
"SERBOT is dummy thicc"
Then I forgot to change it. I hope I don't forget.
Anyways love you guys!
See ya in the next chapter!

Please let me sit in your chair during Medieval History. Zach and Emerson are driving me crazy!

Bye lovelies!!!

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