•i did nothing•

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I finaly got home and was a high...yes
Was I totaly pissed and sad fuck ya

Anyways i hopped in the shower washing off my makeup and washed the glitter off of me

I noticed a spot of blood  on me

God i can not tell you how fucking pissed  i am

I mean Can me and Johnny not have a fun fine  together without him beating someone up!
Now that I think of it i DONT think he was thinking abt it like how i was
Was this guy so not I touch with peoples emotions

I mean he doesn't even have emotions so I guess what is about right

It's a week brake and I have 3 more days of freedom from school to do what ever i want

Daniel was doing some chores for the maintenance guy at his house and I wasn't really doing anything at all with my time

Oooo maybe I can get a few new sweatshirts!
Yeah I'm going to do that today I gotta keep my mind off of what happened and maybe while I'm there I'll get daniel an ice pack

I FINALY got to the mall and I gotta say I was looking pretty good

Ya know checking myself out in the windows and fixing my hair

I finaly got to the store I was looking for. I walked in and immediately found this super duper cute Knitted sweater

I had put it into my basket but somone took it out

"Hey man-" I said before realizing it was Bobby and the cobras

"Hey I'm really really sorry by the way about y'all getting your asses anded to you" I said with a smirk but still apologetic

Jimmy made kinda a mocking face as Dutch laughed at him

I grabbed my sweater from Bobby and put it back  into my hand basket

"Yeah it's fine kreese worked us to fucking death though" Dutch said while showing me how bad his knuckles look

Me and the "cobras" walked around the mall and I started to add some weight to my arms

"God daniels ice back weighs to much" I had gotten him a extra sturdy one that was top notch since he was always getting beat up

"It's  just a fucking ice pack" Johnny said with a snarl

I swear it was the first time he talked to me

"Yeah you wanna try carrying it" I said gocking my neck back

"Yeah I will" he said but I immediately handed him the bag and his arm went down a inch then tasty went back

"Fucking light" he said while carrying my bag

I finaly got home after hanging out with the guys for a solid 3 hours and man was it actually kinda tiring mainly from laughing

I flopped on my bed but moments later the door bell rang

I got up with a huff and opened the door to see Johnny

"Ummm-" was all I could say before he cut me off

"I got the adress from Angelica and you left me with the ice pack" he said handing it to me

"Do you want to come in? Maybe for a glass of water or somthing to drink?" I asked opening the door more

I noticed that he hesitated

"Yeah I'll have a bottle of water" he said while taking his jacket off and walking into the apartment

After a few moments of silence

"I didn't do anything" I said while looking for the waters

He just stayed silent

"Do you believe me?" I asked while moving some stuff around

"No" was all that Johnny said


Yes I do trust her but it's weird. Usaly I'm flirting and hitting on a girl but for some reason she just makes me act like a total dick man. God I swear she presses my bottoms I mean she wonders why I hate her so much

She's constantly...well  um you know

Damn could I really not think of a fucking reason

"Oh" was all RHAT yn said while handing me the water bottle

I felt kinda bad I'm being so cold

I flashes a smile and walked out bud turned around

"Thank you" and then left

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