Story 3: The Visit

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I walk to the recovery room after Uzi had fallen asleep in one of the rooms and I hear a wince and a step. I open the door and find the droid I helped trying to walk. He turns around and immedietly jumps onto the bed. I walk over sighing and I say, 'You broke 4 pieces of your leg, so I suggest NOT to walk.'. He sighs and cuddles me. I can see tears in his eyes and I sit next to him and he looks at his leg. Cracks and empty spots are all over. He begins to cry and I put my arm around him. I begin to sing.
There's parts of me I cannot hide...
I've tried and tried a million times...
Cross my heart and hope to die
Welcome to my dark side
I feel him sleeping so I fall asleep next to him. He looks cute when he sleeps.

N x Adrienne (All mini-stories)Where stories live. Discover now